Top Ten Tuesday 23 - Bookish things

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Bookish things I want to own

Before I begin my actual Top Ten Tuesday post, I'd just like to say thanks for making my first year of blogging so much fun! You can find my 1-year blogversary post and giveaway here.

1. This cool bookish nail art

2. This pin from etsy
I'm In Love With A Fictional Character - Button Pinback Badge 1 1/2 inch

3. So apparently there's a literary gift company? YES.She is too fond of books..." Mug

4. This chair makes me so happy :)
Book chair! Just another reason not to stand up and instead continue reading.

5. The engineer in me loves this bookshelf.


6.  Book earrings on etsy!
Miniature Book Earrings Burgundy Marbled Paper Chocolate Brown Leather Stone Bead Miniature Book Jewelry Mini Book Silver Wire Hook Earrings
7.  I can't imagine how much planning/effort/time this took, but I want one.
Amazing diy bookcase from Ikea boxes! via

8. These bags are so cute!

9. This t-shirt is awesome. and highly accurate.

This t-shirt just gets it.
10. Definitely can't afford this (it's over $800!) but how awesome would it be to snuggle up inside a book?
Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope you'll continue to be a part of my bookish journey!

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  1. That tent is amazing! I would go camping all the time!!!

    Top Ten Bookish Items

  2. Michelle {Book Hangovers}April 15, 2014 at 2:36 AM

    Great List! I have the nail art as my number one too! lol I almost put the tent too!! Sweet! Great minds think alike! Woot woot!

    Check out my top ten xoxo

    Michelle ~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

  3. Want! Mainly that chair and the pin and you know basically everything else on your list! =)

  4. Gaaaah I love that t-shirt, if reading were considered exercise then I'd be skinny now lol
    my top ten tuesday

  5. Jessica @ a GREAT readApril 15, 2014 at 6:31 AM

    OOoh very nice! I did the wrong question this week, so next week I'll have to do this one!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I really love that t-shirt! So cool!

  7. Oh I want that tent!!! And the nail art. You've just made my bookish-item wish list even longer :-)

    My TTT

  8. LOVE these!! There are so many awesome bookcases out there and I want them all!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  9. I know! The tent is my favorite :)

  10. Yes of course! Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. Haha yeah all of this stuff is pretty cool!

  12. I know right? All my free time goes into reading more books. A gym? What's that?

  13. haha no worries! This one is a lot of fun to do :)

  14. Thanks! You had a bunch of great picks too!

  15. I'm glad you liked them! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. There are! I was googling bookshelves and there were so many amazing ones.

  17. Ahh I love the book nail art! They look so pretty :)

  18. THAT SNOWFLAKE BOOKSHELF. WHAT. I NEED. This is just an amazing collection, seriously...gah. I love that tee-shirt too. I'd totally wear that aaaall the time. xD My TTT!

  19. I want that bookshelf that's a chairrrrr that's pretty much the laziest thing anyone needs for reading books hahaha. You wouldn't even need to get up!

  20. That tent is amazing! And that star bookshelf thing.. wow! Great list :)


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