Top Ten Tuesday 29 - Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Summer TBR books

I've been AWOL from Top Ten Tuesdays for the past couple of weeks because of finals, but class is over and summer is finally here! Here are some books I've been looking forward to and can't wait to read this summer.

A no-brainer, considering I am a die-hard Sanderson fan and I'll be hosting a readalong of this starting Sunday. CAN'T WAIT.

 I've heard a lot of great things about this book around the blogosphere, but I don't really know what this book is about (which is kind of the point?). The blurb sounds awesome, and I'm excited to start reading.

I love this series and just haven't been able to get a copy of this book to see how it ends. I'm still on the waiting list at the library, but I will read this one soon!

I don't usually read romance novels, but I needed a "J" book for my AZ challenge and well, Gayle Forman. I figured the summer was a good time to read it, and I'm excited to read more of Gayle Forman's lyrical writing.

So...for some strange reason I still haven't read this one yet. I know, I know, and I call myself a lover of fairy tale retellings. All the buzz about the second and third books has gotten me excited about this series, so I'll probably start this summer.

The first book in this series was fast-paced and funny, which sounds just like the type of book I'd want to read over the summer. I said it already, but I WANT A DOG LIKE OBERON!

This one is the blue cover book for a June rainbow book covers challenge. I also think it's cool when events/characters have parallels in the past and present, so that'll be interesting.

Another historical fiction novel - I absolutely loved Code Name Verity by the same author, and I'm really excited to read this one.

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  1. Ohhhh I didn't realise Wein had a new book out. I loved Code Name Verity too - definitely reading that one. Love the cover too.


    So much love <3

    That book inspires me. The moment I flipped the last page, I felt like I've finally gotten a view of the world from 1000000 floors above and the floor suddenly gave out on me. Not the most ideal feeling in the world but trust me, it's life-changing!! Have a great summer and happy reading =)

    Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

  3. Yes that is definitely the point of We Were Liars you can't know anything before you start it! =)

    My TTT

  4. We Were Liars sounds interesting!

    Great list! Here's my TTT

  5. I've heard a lot of mixed things about We Were Liars, but I definitely want to check it out to see what everyone's talking about. The Girl You Left Behind also sounds really cool.

    Here's my TTT!

  6. Michelle {Book Hangovers}June 17, 2014 at 9:48 AM


    It's what I've been looking forward to all summer :)

  7. WE WERE LIARS was amazing. The less you know the better! Have fun reading this awesome list.

  8. I really need to read some Sarah J Maas. Her books sound so good and everyone seems to rave about her! I hope you enjoy the books on your summer list!

  9. I want to read Rose Under Fire too. My copy of Just One Day came in the mail today, I'm excited to start reading.

    My TTT:

  10. We Were Liars in on my list too. Throne of Glass is amazing, I'll be reading Crown of Midnight this summer. I wanted to join you for Way of Kings read-along, but I have a few books to finish first. I have to think about it..

  11. Isn't the cover gorgeous? I hope you like it!

  12. wow, that sounds amazing! I'm even more excited to read it now. Thanks for stopping by :)

  13. Well then I'll just steer clear of reviews so I don't spoil it for myself!

  14. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Yeah I feel like We Were Liars is so mysterious that it will either be mindblowing and amazing or just disappointing. Hopefully it'll be the former!

  16. ME TOO I'M SO EXCITED! It makes me even more excited that other people are excited :D

  17. I'm so curious and excited about this book! Thanks :)

  18. I know, I've heard so many great things that I feel like it would be silly not to start reading them haha
    You too!

  19. That's exciting! I hope you enjoy them!

  20. Sounds like a great list of books for the summer :)
    The WoK readalong is about 200 pages/week, so I'm sure you can squeeze in some other books during the readalong! You can join in whenever you want, so feel free to join in later in the month as well.


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