Top Ten Tuesday 39 - Bookish Places I want to visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
  This week's theme: Top Ten bookish places I want to visit

1. Turn of the Century New York

Inspired by...

2. Magical Version of Renaissance Venice

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3. Prague

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4. London and London Below
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5. Neverland
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6. Lumatere and Charyn

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7. Discworld
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  1. I'm unaware of most of these place, but I'd love to visit Prague and Neverland too!

  2. Biggest Discworld fan ever here, so absolutely. I just read The Young Elites and didn't catch a Venice vibe from it, may have to reskim it to see what you saw.

  3. ZOMG! I can't believe I forgot Neverland, Discworld, and London Below on my list! Great list!

  4. I didn't realise The Young Elites was set in Venice, interesting! Makes me want to read it more.

    And yes to Neverland. If I ever lived in London I think I would do a reread & visit every station mentioned :D

  5. Some of these are from books that aren't too well known, so that's probably why you haven't heard of them. Neverland sounds fantastic, doesn't it? :)

  6. Hahaha sometimes the most obvious answers are the hardest to think of! I've definitely felt that way about other TTT posts.

  7. I've been meaning to read more Discworld novels and it just never happens. Amazing Maurice is a childhood favorite, so I really need to get on that!

  8. Oooooh that would be such a cool idea (the London tube stations thing). It's always extra special when you are in or have been to the places a book mentions.

  9. Ooh so many good books! I feel like Laini Taylor needs to get like commissions from the amount of people she's convinced to go to Prague through her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series! I've had two friends who love her books visit Prague in the past year (though I doubt they visited only because of her books)! And ooh London! I really should read some more books set in London since I'm currently living here, I think it would be fun since I know the area! Will have to check Neverland out (I don't read enough Gaiman books, I think I've only ever read Coraline >.<)

  10. I have Prague on my list too! It just sounds so so gorgeous from the DoSaB books. AHHHH! I need to go to all of Europe. Or Neverland. I will happily go (and stay) in Neverland for a long long time. x)

    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

  11. Turn of the century New York, magical renaissance Venice, Prague, London and Neverland are ALL places I dream about visiting - even though I still need to read The Gollum and the Jinni, The Lies of Locke Lamora and The Young Elites. They're all on the reading list though :) Really though, who could resist falling head over heels in love with Prague after DoS&B?! Awesome picks ^^

  12. YAY Prague! And I love that Lumatere is on your list! And I can't wait to read Lock Lamora and The Young Elites (soon!) so that I can see this magical version of renaissance Venice!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert


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