Bookish Eats: Ancillary Justice | Chai Tea Mug cake

I have to say I'm loving this new feature, it's giving me an excellent excuse to keep finding ways to satisfy my sweet-tooth! I am having so much fun brainstorming ways to link food with the books I'm reading, and even more fun making and eating the food afterwards :D

I just finished Ancillary Justice, a fantastic sci-fi book which has a spaceship AI as its main character. The spaceship AI somehow becomes trapped in a human body, and is ready to get revenge on whoever led to this very unique predicament. I don't want to say too much about this book, but it was very complex and multi-layered, and I loved how much linguistics shaped different civilizations' views on gender and social politics.

It was actually surprisingly easy coming up with a food to go with this book. Tea plays a huge role in the Raadch civilization. It's something that all the Raadch drink on a daily basis, and it also has religious and spiritual significance. I decided that just brewing a pot of tea for myself was a little too easy, so I looked up tea recipes and I came across this mug cake recipe. It's really simple and it literally takes 2 minutes to make because mug cakes are magical.

I tried it out with a Tazo chai tea bag that I had in my pantry, and it was delicious! It was even better topped off with some cardamom whipped cream from last week's cupcakes. I felt like chai was an especially fitting kind of tea for this book because it's also very complex and has some unexpected subtleties to it. Plus I just really like chai :D

Have you read Ancillary Justice? How cool is a spaceship for a main character? Are you also a tea-lover?

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