The Reading Quest Update

I was on vacation for about a week, so that's why I haven't posted anything in a little while! Now that I'm back, I wanted to give you all an update on my first week of The Reading Quest.

I ended up shuffling the books that I picked for the Mage, some of them I replaced and some I moved to side quests. I got a bunch of library books off of holds all at once, so I was trying to make most of them count towards the Reading Quest! And as always, I want to try to read more stuff by marginalized authors/about diverse MCs so I might end up shuffling some more if I can find more diverse books to read :)

I also made a spreadsheet to keep track of points:

Definitely spent waaaaaaaaaay too much time picking the perfect fonts for my headers HAHA

So far I've finished two books for side quests and I'm currently reading two more for the Mage. The ones I've finished are The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi (which was okay), and The Tiger's Daughter by K.A. Arsenault (which was INCREDIBLE). Thanks to those two books I'm finally at 50 points and have leveled up to Level 2!

I'm almost done with Foundation by Isaac Asimov, and I just started the audiobook for The Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh. I didn't know Renee Ahdieh was biracial, so it was really cool to find out that both The Flame in the Mist series and the Wrath and the Dawn books are both ownvoice books! I loved The Wrath and the Dawn so I'm very excited about this one.

I think I'm in pretty good shape to finish the Mage quest on time and hopefully at least half of the side quests! If I still have time after that I'm planning on starting Knight or Bard. I'll see what library books land in my lap and go from there :)

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