Melina Marchetta!

If you don't know who Melina Marchetta is, there is a void in your life that needs filling.

Melina Marchetta is an Australian author who writes contemporary and fantasy novels. The one common thread I have found is that they always deal with messy relationships and sticky situations and ugliness, but always turn them into hope and beauty. Her characters are always so real and almost every one of her books has brought me to tears (or very close to them).

So you can imagine my excitement when I found out about a hardcover giveaway of her Chronicles of Lumatere trilogy:

I have been dying to get my hands on Quintana of Charyn for ages. If Froi of the Exiles is any indication to go by, this book is going to be intense, heartbreaking, and absolutely gorgeous.

What are you waiting for? Enter the giveaway!


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