Top Ten Tuesday 18 - Top Ten Spring TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme:  Top Ten Spring TBR books
Here's a list of books I want to read in the spring - not necessarily ones that are published in the spring (although some of them are!). Just click on the covers to see their descriptions on Goodreads :)

A lot of these are series that I'm really excited to start or books that have been on my TBR forever and I think it's time for some *Spring cleaning*

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  1. Ashley @ Ok, Let's ReadMarch 18, 2014 at 1:48 AM

    I want to read Vicious SOOOO badly. I just finished The Archived yesterday so I'm in this weird post-book haze where I think that Victoria Schwab is basically the greatest thing since sliced bread. I plan on reading Vicious and The Unbound ASAP because wow.

    I've also been dying to read Half Bad because of all the hype I've heard about it. It seems like EVERYONE has been talking about it and I just want to form my own opinion so I can be informed and join in the conversations. :P

    Here's My Top Ten Tuesday!

  2. What's Half Bad about? I haven't heard anything about it but that cover is gorgeous... Totally mean to get around to the Left Hand of Darkness sometime too.

  3. I recently bought Half Bad and I can't wait to get around to reading it. I hope you enjoy all of the books on your list!

  4. Half Bad is on my list, too! Hyde looks really cool, too! My TTT:

  5. Great list! I have Half Bad to read and Way of Kings too, can't wait to get my hands on Dreams of Gods & Monsters! I loved Left Hand of Darkness but it's been a long time since I read it. Hope you get to read them all soon :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  6. Jessica @ a GREAT readMarch 18, 2014 at 6:33 AM

    Ooh nice! Seen a few of these around, but some are new to me! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I really want to read Mira Grant's Newsflesh series after i was disappointed with Parasite, i'm hoping that i enjoy that series more than the last. Dreams of Gods and Monsters and Half Bad also look very interesting and i cannot wait to read them both! Enjoy ;)

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

  8. Vicious is amazing! I vote you read it first. :)

    How could I have forgotten about Dreams of Gods and Monsters?! And I've heard really great things about Mira Grant and Scott Lynch's series.

  9. Yeah, Vicious is pretty far up there on my list! I haven't read anything else by Victoria Schwab, but I'll give those a try if I like Vicious.
    I've heard a lot of great things about Half Bad, and it seems like *everyone* loves it so I'm really excited to read it for myself.

  10. Half Bad is about a witch who is half White and half Black (white witches being the good ones, and black being the evil ones). He's an outcast and everyone expects him to be evil like his father, and the story is about him going on a quest and trying to prove who he is. (you can click on the cover to go to the Goodreads link - I'm sure it'll be more helpful than me!)

  11. Thanks! I still don't have a copy of Half Bad, but I'm very excited to read it.

  12. Awesome! yeah, I just read the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, so I'm excited to see someone else's take on it :)

  13. Yes for Ruins! I have it on my shelf just begging me to be read. There were too many books to choose from for today's TTT!! I want to read Brandon Sanderson's book, but I saw how many pages it is and I'll have to wait until I get some other books read. I hope you get to all your books soon!

  14. Half Bad is SO good! I cannot wait to hear what you think of it :) I just finished it last night and I want to talk to everyone about it! It felt very unique and different to me - so it was a very unexpected story.

    I'm also dying to read Vicious!

    Share the Wealth? Kerr v Baranow and the "Joint Family Venture" - Jennifer Flood

  15. Thanks for the dance book suggestions! I also play clarinet. :)

  16. I love the Mistborn series, so I'm really excited to read Way of kings! And yes, Dreams is coming out so soon - I'm so excited :)

  17. I really liked Parasite (super predictable ending aside), so I'm looking forward to Newsflesh. Thanks!

  18. Vicious is definitely up there on my list - I've heard nothing but good things about it and it sounds awesome!

  19. That series just gets better and better (and more intense...) - not sure if I can handle Ruins but I'm still excited haha

  20. yeah, they both seem really unique and interesting. I have to find myself a copy!

  21. I've seen the Daughter of Smoke & Bone sequel on a few TBR lists today! I haven't heard much about the Partials novels but the covers are so intriguing!

  22. Wow, such great books! I loved Vicious and Quiet, they're among my favorites! I have yet to read Feed, Half Bad and The Way of Kings, I'm so excited for these! You're in for a great Spring :)


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