Top Ten Tuesday 32 - Top ten movies/TV shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme:  Top Ten Movies and TV Shows

This is going to be fun! I love reading SFF, so a lot of my favorite movies and TV shows have elements of sci-fi/fantasy. There are a couple that don't, but I love them just as much!

TV shows

  1. I love Doctor Who - it's all the fun of time travel and space exploration with all the joy of discovering the best humanity has to offer. My favorite episodes are Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Vincent and the Doctor, The Empty Child, and The Girl in the Fireplace. They're the ones that were the most emotional for me, which is what I love about this show - despite all the crazy aliens and special effects, in the end it's about wonderful people and their beautiful stories.

  2. Merlin was one of those series that got better and better with every season. I didn't love it at first, but as each season went on, I fell in love with all the characters (yup, even the evil Morgana). It was hilarious, really freaky, and heartwarming, depending on the day. Merlin and Arthur - ultimate BFFs!

  3. Yet another show where I love all the characters. I like how this show is different from all the other crime shows in that it isn't about gruesome murders - it's about art forgery and stolen bonds and Ocean's eleven type capers. I love Neal's wit and charm and Mozzie's quirkiness, although I'm probably the most similar to the straight-and-narrow Peter.

  4. Yeah, this series had a less than fulfilling ending, and the plot had more holes than my 12-year-old-self's first attempt at a scarf. But the characters (I sense a common theme here...) really drove the story and just seeing them all figuring things out and trying to survive was great. My favorite character, hands down, is Desmond. Naturally my favorite episode is The Constant :)


  1. Who doesn't love Christopher Nolan? Add to that excellent acting, a labyrinthine plot, and a big reveal that made me want to simultaneously cry and scream and laugh at the same time. Love this movie! (for once, I liked the movie better than the book. Blasphemy, I know!)

  2. This is a bollywood movie, so I don't think many people have heard of it. Despite the idiotic poster (no pun intended I promise!), it's a movie full of heart and humor. I love how it's a funny movie but has so many great messages that make you think about how you're living life and inspire you to love life even more.

  3. I really like the world behind Inception and how clever the whole movie was. I love that it didn't resort to dumbing down the worldbuilding or plot for mass audiences - complexity was a huge part of the world, characters, and plot, and the story did justice to that. I also love what some people found infuriating - the ending. No spoilers from me though!

  4. What's a list of favorite movies without Disney/Pixar? Finding Nemo is my favorite Pixar movie - I loved how colorful the story was (visually and more metaphorically). There were so many endearing characters and I loved how much it emphasized family and friendship.

  5. This is one of my favorite movie adaptations of books because it stayed true to the book while also adding a flavor of its own. I thought the cinematography was incredible, and I loved watching a fabulous ending to a series come to life on screen.

  6. Yes, this movie is yet another example of white-man-saves-the-day, but I really loved the detail that went into creating this world and all its creatures. This was a powerful story, even if it fell into some cliches, and it was really extraordinary on the big screen.

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  1. Seeing White Collar and Inception on your list make me so happy!

  2. YAY for Christopher Nolan - both The Prestige and Inception are amazing!

  3. Jessica @ a GREAT readJuly 15, 2014 at 6:23 AM

    The Prestige! That one was good! Looove Harry Potter and Nemo! Did you hear about the sequel to that?! Finding Dory 2015!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I loved The Prestige and Inception, they're among my favourite movies! I really like Doctor Who, but I've only seen the first season so far.. and of course I love Harry Potter, everything about him :). My favourite animated movie is Frozen, but I remember how I loved Nemo when I saw it first :). Great list!

    My Top Ten.

  5. YAY The Prestige and Inception! Also, I would've started watching Merlin, but I heard the cancelled the next season or something, and I didn't want to be emotionally attached to something that wasn't going to be finished.

  6. MERLIN!! Why didn't I put that on my list!! I love Merlin.. I am sad that show is over and I wish it would've just continued on forever. Merlin and Aurthur are so great together.

    Top Ten Tuesday

  7. Yessss they're fantastic!
    No, Merlin is a finished show! All of it is on Netflix ;) The characters are definitely worth getting attached to - I didn't like them much in season 1 but I love them to pieces now :)

  8. My favorite doctor-companion combination has been David Tennant and Catherine Tate, so series 4 was my favorite!
    Frozen is so adorable :D

  9. Yeah, I'm so excited for more Dory!

  10. Yay another White Collar fan! I love that show so much that almost nothing else compares!

  11. Love Doctor Who. My favorite episode is Empty Child/Doctor Dances followed closely by Human Nature/Family of Blood. Of Matt's series, my favorite is his first: Eleventh Hour

  12. Oh my gosh I love Doctor Who!! :D I also love Empty Child, but my most favorite ones are Journey's End and Doomsday because I just love seeing Rose & the Doctor together :)) great TTT :D

  13. They were! They should make a modern day spin-off!

  14. Human Nature/Family of Blood was good too! My favorite Matt Smith episodes are Vincent and the Doctor and Asylum of the Daleks.

  15. I'm not a huge fan of Rose, so I just kind of forget those episodes exist haha
    Journey's End was fantastic!

  16. It's so funny and adorable :D That movie makes me so happy!

  17. They're such great friends! The finale! My heart! I hope they find each other again :)

  18. I love Finding Nemo. It's such a fantastic, cute film.


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