Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


This is one of the easiest TTTs for me to do because I have just over 10 favorite authors!

3. Also Scott Lynch, creator of my friends the Gentleman Bastards

4. Melina Marchetta, whose every book has made me cry in pain and happiness
5. Markus Zusak, for writing one of my most treasured books (The Book Thief)
6. Patrick Ness, for all those books that gave me a hug when I felt lost or alone
7. Margaret Atwood, for never failing to make me see beauty and hope in the strangest of circumstances
8. Neal Shusterman, whose books have made me laugh, cry, scream, and jump for joy
9. Laini Taylor's writing is utterly gorgeous. I have fallen in love with all her books. Also, look at how well she can pull off hot pink hair!
10. Most recent addition to my favorite author list: Sarah J Maas for making me love Celaena even when I started out hating her.

There are a few favorite authors that got left off the list, but you can find them all here!

*Side note: I hadn't seen pictures of some of these authors so it was fun to see what they looked like!* 

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  1. Great list! Neil Gaiman made my list, too. I really need to read something of Patrick Ness's soon, because I've seen him on so many lists this week!

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT readApril 21, 2015 at 7:29 AM

    OOh nice! Lots of new to me authors. I recognize maybe 3 or so...but glad to hear you enjoyed them all so much!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Spectacular list Kritika^^ Sanderson, Maas and Taylor ALL made my list this week too :D And I recently read my first book by Ness and loved it! I seriously need to read some Gaiman, Lynch and Marchetta though o_O

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  4. Such a great list!! How could I possibly forget the Book Thief. It's so well written. My TTT

  5. I'm so glad you have Neal Shusterman on your list, he's on mine too and I haven't seen him on very many. I loved the Unwind Series and all of his other books have gone straight onto my TBR list. Sarah J Maas is also on my list. I love The Book Thief but I felt as I had only read the one book by Markus Zusak that I couldn't include him. Also the Knife of Never Letting Go is on my TBR list.

    Here's my TTT:

  6. Hooray! Yes, I've read The Book Thief at least 7 times and it never gets old :)

  7. Patrick Ness is amazing! I hope you like his books :D

  8. Which Ness book??
    And yes, you need to get on that!

  9. Yes, it is!
    Your link is broken, by the way. I'd love to stop by your blog if you post another link!

  10. Yes! I've read almost all of Shusterman's books, and I have enjoyed all of them. They are just so inspiring and entertaining and emotional all at once.
    I'm glad you also enjoy Zusak and Maas! I hope you get to TKONLG soon!

  11. Sarah J. Maas, Markus Zusak, and Laini Taylor are on my list too! I love all of their books and they're all on my auto-buy author list!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks


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