Top Ten Tuesday 55 - Books to Movies/Tv Show

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Books I'd Love To See As Movies/Tv Show

It's kind of funny that this week is about books I want to see as a movie or a TV show, since the last TTT I did was about great (and not so great) movie adaptations :)

Here goes nothing!

  1. I'm a little obsessed with The Lies of Locke Lamora (In case you couldn't tell by all the Gentleman Bastard Readalong banners all over the place hehe). It's witty and hilarious, the world is so rich and detailed, and who wouldn't want to see a fantasy version of Ocean's 11 on the big screen?
  2. Code Name Verity is another favorite of mine, and I have such a vivid picture in my head of Julie and Maddie just from reading their journal entries. This could make such a great edge-of-your-seat thriller, but it also just has so much heart. I would love to see it as a movie!
  3. Another series I love is Throne of Glass by SJ Maas. Even though I wasn't a fan of the first book, I absolutely adore the rest of them and I can't wait to see how much more these characters grow. I'd want to see this one as a TV show so that we can do justice for all the characters' development and all the twists and turns.
  4. It would be SO MUCH FUN to see Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and everyone else on the big screen! I felt like I was watching a movie as I read the books, so I feel like a series of Lunar Chronicles movies would be awesome!
  5. I recently read Redshirts by John Scalzi and it was pretty fantastic. It's already a book that's kind of about a tv show...imagine a movie about a book about a tv show! I think a movie is already in the works, but I'd love to see this one.
  6. I also know The Martian is being made into a movie, but I'm going to put that one on here anyway! The book was hilarious, and I can definitely see it making a great movie. Not sure how I feel about Matt Damon as Mark Watney though...
  7. Another TV show candidate: Anne Bishop's The Others series. The books already kind of read like a TV show, with a bunch of small cut-scenes and acts adding up to one big season arc. I love these characters and I would be so excited to see this series on TV.
  8. Heist Society would make such an entertaining movie! I love heist movies, and this one would be extra fun because it features such lovable and eccentric main characters. It's one thing to see suave men in suits pull off a con, and another entirely when it's a bunch of tenacious teenagers :) I think this one is also already in the works.
  9. I kind of don't want to see this as a movie because it's so perfect in my head, but if done right, an ADSOM movie could be freaking fantastic! There is already so much vivid imagery and awesome characters. I really want to see Kell's coat on the big screen!
  10. One of my favorite reads of this year is Uprooted, and I think it would make an excellent animated movie. Just look at this version of the cover and tell me it isn't gorgeous!

Have any of these sparked your interest? Are any of them being into movies that I just haven't heard about?

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  1. I would love to see Cinder's world on the big screen.


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