GB Readalong: Are you a Gentleman Bastard?

Hey lovely Gentleman Bastard readalong people! Sorry for not having very many GB-related posts this week. In retrospect, hosting a readalong that begins the week before finals was not very smart...

Even if we've only started The Lies of Locke Lamora this week, I think everyone has a good idea of what makes someone a gentleman bastard. It's quite a combination...too refined and you're a gentleman, too mean and you're a bastard. I thought it would be fun to figure out which end of the spectrum we fall on so I made a Buzzfeed quiz

Do you have what it takes to be a Gentleman Bastard?

Apologies if it's kind of's my first time making something on Buzzfeed and it took waaaaaaaay longer than I expected haha

Enjoy and let me know where you end up :)

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