Top Ten Tuesday 69: Book Genie wishes

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Wishes for the Book Genie

This is so easy! I have so many book wishes haha

  1. Finally go to a Sanderson signing

    This almost happened this month during the Shadows of Self Tour, but life happened and I didn't get to go to the SoCal signing/my mom couldn't make it to the Bay area one  :(

  2. Another thing I was really looking forward to but fell through this year: ALA was in SAN FRANCISCO and I was really excited because it's so close to home and for once I wasn't in school so I could definitely go...

    but life happened and my family was across the country during ALA.

    Book Genie, please get me to a book conference sometime soon?
  3. This one is an impossible wish, but please make more time in the day so I can read ALL THE BOOKS?

  4. And another impossible wish: Please make all my favorite series be published without delays ever because the wait is bad enough without unexpected publishing delays. My heart can't take it! *sniffles*

  5. Okay, more specific wish: I wish for one more book this year that will blow me away. I've read a lot of really great ones this year, and I'm hoping I run into at least one more extra special book before the year ends.
  6. This one is kind of on me: I don't stay super on top of publishing schedules, so by the time I realize a book I'm really anticipating is coming up and request an ARC, I'm too late! Book genie, help me get more magical ARCs :)

  7. Meeting more book blogger friends: I've only met one fellow blogger friend in real life, and I'm hoping that number goes up because a lot of you are so awesome and get me through really bad days just by being there to rant to (about books and life in general) :)
  8. This ties back to number 1, but basically meeting any author would make my day. I'd just be extra happy if it was one of my favorites :)
  9. This wish is mostly because I read fantasy a lot, but Book genie, please grant me the ability to know how to correctly pronounce every fictional name ever?
  10. Last but not least, I wish for these beautiful bookshelves.

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