Top Ten Tuesday 70 - Halloween-themed books for the faint of heart

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Halloween Books for the Faint of Heart

I'm a really big scaredy-cat when it comes to horror. I get disturbed really easily and  I don't like reading books that are dark without any light-hearted parts or nice warm-fuzzies to balance them out. So here's a few creepy/Halloween-themed books that I liked and didn't freak me out too much!


This book is full of ghouls and ghosts and other things that stalk the night, but it's actually a really endearing coming of age story :)

This book terrified me when our 3rd grade teacher read it to us in class, but I loved it anyway. It's sinister and creepy without being gory or over-the-top.

I liked The Diviners better than Lair of Dreams, but this one is still a lot of fun and features ghosts and a lot of mysterious happenings.

This book isn't technically Halloween but it's really creepy and fascinating and horrifying even though it's not actually that gory. The characters are really messed up though. You've been warned!

The original Dracula is really old but it's so wonderfully creepy! I really enjoyed reading it and seeing the original story behind this Halloween staple.

Another classic! This one isn't that terrifying, but it's disturbing when you start questioning who the monster is...

This book is great! I really enjoyed how we get a global perspective on a potential zombie apocalypse and how it's told through interviews with really interesting characters.

Another great zombie apocalypse book. I loved how it wove in journalism, humor, and politics in along with the viral zombie plague.

Have you read any of these? Any recs for non-terrifying Halloween books?
Happy Halloween!

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