TTT: Top Ten Recent Five Star Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: My Recent Top Ten Five Star Books

Not all of these are strictly 5 stars (some are 4.5) but they're all books I've read recently and would definitely recommend! I didn't want to go back further than December so I only have 8:


This is book 2 of the Farseer Trilogy. Robin Hobb writes slower plotted fantasy novels compared to most other series, but her characters are all so real and I end up having way more intense emotions than with most other fantasy books. Definitely recommended for fantasy fans!

This one is just so beautifully written and gorgeous but also terrifying and's one of the best retellings I've ever read! Plus Phantom of the Opera is just awesome source material.
This one isn't published yet, but it's fantastic. I loved the politics and the manipulations, but I also loved how broken and vengeful Lada is. She's not typical princess, that's for sure.
I just posted my full review of this, so you can read more about it there, but this book is absolutely brilliant and terrifying and heart-warming. All at once.

It's a Sanderson book. Need I say more? (What is with book 3s in series and being absolutely MINDBLOWING)

One of my favorite series endings. I adore Iolanthe and Titus, and Kashkari and all the rest :)

Another excellent series ending to an absolutely amazing series. Cyborg cinderella, a fierce Red riding hood, a coder/hacker genius Rapunzel, and a slightly deranged but earnest Snow White. This series is great.

If you like steampunk, you'll love this! Even if you don't like steampunk, I'm sure the characters will win you over

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