TTT: Top Ten 2016 releases

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten 2016 releases (so far)

In no particular order, here's a mix of ARCs and books published this year that I've really enjoyed! 4 and 5 star books only. Since I only had 9, there's also a book on here that I'm highly anticipating this year and I'm pretty sure I'll love even though I haven't read it yet :D


Dark and disturbing, yes, but also poignant and full of dry humor. I loved this!

If you thought Golden Son ripped the feels out of you...oh god this book just takes everything to a heart-in-your-throat conclusion.

Such a cool premise and an amazing amazing badass protagonist.

This book is also very dark, but so lushly written. Complicated characters and their even more complicated relationships dominate in this political historical fiction book.

Possibly the worst book hangover I have ever had, this book left me crying of happiness and crying of sadness and crying just from too many emotions all at once. It was perfect.

Technically I read this last year, but it was published this year and I really enjoyed it! Someone or something left pieces of a giant robot all over the earth and now those pieces are waking up...

Any guesses as to why I loved this book? A whole new world-within-a-world has been opened up and I am so excited for the future Mistborn books.

Not my favorite Sanderson book, but still really good! I love David's awful metaphors and the dynamic between everyone on the team :)

Such a beautiful ending to an amazing series! The Lunar Chronicles make me so happy on so many levels, and these short stories made me love the series even more.

Yeah, I haven't actually read this one yet, but there is no doubt in my mind I will love it beyond reason. Locke Lamora is the absolute best.

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