TTT: Top Ten Books I read on recommendations

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Books I read on Recommendations

I didn't like ToG that much, but the blogger community convinced me to keep going. So far I've enjoyed the series much more than book 1, so thanks blogger community ;)

A friend recommended this to me in high school and I didn't get to it until this year, after we both graduated college...better late than never?

One of my best friends recommended this to me when we were freshmen in college. It was my first fantasy book since middle school, and it got me hooked onto one of my now-favorite authors and fantasy all over again :)

Another book my really good friend recommended to me freshmen year, but this one didn't go over as well! My Wise Man's Fear review  describes alllllll the very mixed feelings.

Another thumbs up to the collective recommendations of the blogger community, plus special mention to Brittany at Book Addict's guide for the audiobook rec!

This was recommended to me by another really good friend who reads a lot of fantasy.

Yet another blogger community rec, although there were a few people who specifically recommended it to me and I don't remember who but THANK YOU this book was amazing.

My old roommate read this last year and recommended it to me, and I really enjoyed it! I am definitely looking forward to more of this series.
I wasn't going to read this because I never find Pulitzer prize winning books to be interesting or particularly profound, but my uncle recommended it and it was actually really good (and heartbreaking. I cried three times).
My friend recommended this to me as my intro to comics, and I LOVED IT. Words cannot begin to describe the amazing feeling of relating to a fictional character on a whole new level, and seeing someone who shares something similar to your community and family pressures and confusion. So excited for more comic books :)
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