TTT: Top Ten Favorite Villains

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Favorite Villains

It's no secret that I like my villains multi-dimensional and complex. My favorite villains are the ones that think they're doing the right thing or who have a tortured past that makes you want to sympathize with them just a teensy bit. I also have a soft spot for the villains who are just so plain evil that you can't believe they're human...I love how terrifying it is to know there is no line the villain will not cross. So here are some of my favorite multidimensional and terrifying villains!

Lady De Winter - one of the first villains I read about who actually freaked me out. She's just so cold and terrifying.
Mayor Prentiss - completely evil and INSANE. This man is not human.
Queen Levana - evil and ruthless, but has quite sad past and you can really see why she is obsessed with the things she is
Lada - I know she's the main character but Lada is terrifying in her ruthlessness. She's completely multidimensional and complex and you know she's going to grow up to be a terrible person but you just hope she won't anyway

The Raven King - He's literally not human, and I love how he tricks and manipulates people into getting what he wants. He's so charming and charismatic yet so terrifying.

EVERYONE - I don't want to spoil who the villains are in this book because there are so many twists and turns and betrayals, but damn this book was terrifying because you knew the villains were brutal and ruthless.


The AI that ended the world - It's not human, and it did what it thought necessary to save the world. The AI is so complex and multidimensional

Prince Regal - I have never been as infuriated by any character as I have been by Prince Regal. He is spiteful, manipulative, selfish, and just an absolutely AWFUL human being. Hats off to Robin Hobb for making me (love to) hate a fictional character with such a passion!
Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar - These two creatures are absolutely terrifying. They seem to take pleasure in inflicting pain and torture on others
Amy and Nick - I'm not sure either one is truly a villain, but I certainly loved to hate both of them. Just like a horrifying trainwreck, you know it won't end well but you can't look away...
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