TTT: Top Ten Sci-fi movies

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Sci-fi Movies

In honor of Sci-fi month in November, here are some of my favorite science fiction movies! I'm realizing as I write this post that I have seen way more sci-fi TV shows than movies...

 Image result for Inception

One of my favorite sci-fi movies, plus the added bonus of having a spectacular soundtrack! This movie never ceases to bend my mind every time I watch it.
 Image result for Minority Report

This movie was so good! I was blown away by the world building and the mystery and I got really emotional towards the end, which is rare for me with movies.
 Image result for E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

ET was one of my favorite movies as a kid, I just loved the idea of discovering an alien in my closet (even if he was kind of wrinkly and creepy looking).
 Image result for Gattaca

Like most of my friends, I saw this movie in 9th grade Biology when we were talking about genetic engineering and the ethical implications. This movie is so sad but really thought-provoking and inspiring too.
 Image result for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I watched this movie when I was home alone, which was a terrible idea because I just sobbed that night. It was really good though!
Image result for Avatar

Yeah, there are some white-savior-complex problems with this movie, but you can't deny it's a visual masterpiece and just filled with really cool worlds/technology.
Image result for Interstellar

I finally saw this movie last month, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I wasn't a huge fan of the weird bookshelf thing/non-answer about one of the main questions driving the plot but I did like the movie overall. I love how it focused on a father-daughter relationship, even if the whole "love transcends all" trope is a little overdone.
Image result for Gravity (film)

I've never seen such a stressful movie! My heart was literally pounding for half the movie, and I love how it contrasted the serene beauty of the planet earth with the life-or-death situation happening in space.
Image result for star wars 7
What's a sci-fi movie list without Star Wars? The latest installment is my favorite so far, because it taps into the nostalgia of the old movies but makes them way more relevant to my generation :) Rey is such a badass, and I loved Finn too! And of course, BB-8!!!
Image result for The Avengers

I love Marvel movies, and the Avengers was so much fun because I didn't even know that it was possible for movies to all tie in to a larger storyline until I saw this one. It was so funny and just plain fun to watch :)

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