2017 Reading Challenge: Pages of Starlight SFF challenge

I was looking online for a reading challenge to do this year, and I found an awesome one at Pages of Starlight! You can check it out by clicking on the link.

I love that this challenge is mostly sci-fi/fantasy and speculative fiction, because that's what I usually read. Still, it has enough unique criteria that it's going to be challenging to read them all. I really like how a lot of the challenge focuses on diverse books, because that's something I care a lot about. I keep saying I'm going to do more DiverSFFy posts, and even though I read a lot of books featuring POC and LGBTQ authors/main characters, I don't feature them enough. I'm hoping this challenge will help motivate me to expand my horizons and actually feature some awesome diverse books.

Here's the challenge grid:

I have a few ideas for books I want to read that fulfill the challenge, so I'm going to list them here:

2) Historical Fantasy: Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear
9) A classic: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K Dick
18) Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire
19) POC author: The Obelisk Gate by NK Jemisin
22) Published last year: A Gathering of Shadows by VE Schwab

I'm really excited for this challenge!

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