My first Author Event: ACOL Tour by VE Schwab

Sorry I've been AWOL for a couple weeks, I've been flying out all over the country for grad school interviews. This week is my last one (thank goodness, all the traveling and meeting new people is so tiring even though it's a lot of fun), so hopefully I'll get back into the rhythm of updating the blog regularly. I also have to decide where I'm going soon...that's gonna be tough o.O

I wasn't flying around this past weekend, but I did go to my first author event! I've been trying to meet at least one of my favorite authors for 5 years now but something always comes up last minute or I'm not able to get to where the signing is because it's 2 hours away on a Tuesday night and I'm a broke college student without a car.

But this year, I'm no longer a college student and I have a car! Double jackpot. I went down to Huntington Beach on Saturday to see Victoria Schwab on her A Conjuring of Light Tour, and I had such an amazing time. I was sitting on the floor, in a corner right at the front, and it just happened to be the corner that Victoria stood at while she was being introduced. I might have internally screamed when she said her first nervous hi to me and a friend I'd dragged along before she walked over to her fancy podium :D

It was really cool getting to meet an author because 1) It's finally sunken in that authors are actual human beings with actual lives (somehow twitter didn't quite do that for me haha) 2) It's so awesome to learn firsthand about the process and thought and effort that went into a book because then you enjoy the book way more.

So many things Victoria said had me jumping up and down in my head because I agreed with her or was really inspired by what she had to say. For example, her whole thing about how she isn't anti-romance, she just thinks other relationships are just as/more important and interesting. Most of my favorite books involve complicated relationships, really strong friendships, and/or siblings, so I loved that she delves into all of those instead of focusing on just romance. She also talked about her kind of insane writing process (as a very methodical engineer it kind of stressed me out), Neil Gaiman and other inspirations, YURI ON ICE, what it's like to be basically the god of your own worlds, and how giving your story to a reader makes the book almost like a new creature entirely. It was so awesome!

Here are some pictures of me fangirling, I hope I didn't freak her out haha

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