Feature and Follow #8

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! The Feature & Follow is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee's View.

This week's Question: Share something you’ve learned about book blogging or just blogging in general in the last month.

This week I learned about the kind of publicizing Indie authors need to do in order to get the word out about their books, and how much bloggers can help them! I didn't realize how hard it was to get the word out about your books if you aren't published by a major publishing house. I knew blog tours and interviews etc. helped publicize, but I didn't realize how big the impact is for people who don't have giant marketing campaigns.

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  1. So true. Good answer :)

    new follower via bloglovin & gfc


  2. You know I never really thought about this. I know that wanting to be a writer myself, I figured if I had a blog it would help me get out there. I didn't think about authors relying on others as much as they do.

    New follower on bloglovin and thanks for checking out my blog.

  3. Michelle Albanese ParsonsAugust 16, 2013 at 5:17 PM

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Good lick with your books. if you need help getting out there let me know I will be happy to do a post for you :) love helping new authors out that are fellow book bloggers
    New Follower Bloglovin
    Have a great weekend


  4. haha I'm not a published author, but I'm in the middle of rewriting a novel. If I ever do decide to self-publish, I will definitely give all you fellow bloggers a call :)

  5. Yeah, I didn't realize that authors needed bloggers as much as they do. One of my dreams is to get a novel published, so whenever that time comes, I'll definitely be leaning on my blogger friends.

  6. I didn't realize that either. That's crazy. Well it makes me feel a lot better about doing book tours! Happy Friday! old follower

    My Feature & Follow
    Whit@Whit's Book World

  7. Angelas Anxious LifeAugust 17, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    That's interesting about indie publishers. I am not a writer so I never look into that kind of stuff!

  8. And marketing a book is so incredibly expensive that the most indie authors can usually afford is sending out free books to bloggers.

    I started following you on bloglovin. :)


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