S&S book haul: January

I can't believe it's February already! Where did the first month of 2015 go?

This is my first attempt at a monthly summary post, so please excuse the randomness and the rambling :)

Book Haul

I'm cheating a little bit and including a book I got at the end of December. I'm the type of person who buys books maybe three or four books a year, but thanks to lots of amazing friends giving my books for my birthday, I've accumulated quite a bit by the end of January! Here's my stack:

The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume II - birthday present from a very good friend. I already have volume one, so now that I have all of the stories, I need to start reading these!

This is What Happy Looks Like - Another birthday present. I almost never read contemporary novels, especially not rom-coms in book form. I was having a bad day, and my friend forced me to start reading The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight out loud. What started out as a joke has made me very fond of this series! I'm looking forward to reading this book out loud in funny accents with the friends that gave this to me.

Heir of Fire - This is my final gift from my #OTSPSecretSister, Katie from The Polished Page turners. Katie was a FANTASTIC secret sister over the past six months, and I don't even have words for how thankful I am. I laughed and cried my way through Heir of Fire this week, and I loved every second. Thank you!

Words of Radiance - This was my birthday present to myself :) Thanks to Book Outlet, I was able to snag a hardcover for less than half the price. This is another book I laughed and cried my way through, and I cannot wait for a re-read.

The Mistborn trilogy - Thanks to Nikki from There Were Books Involved, I found out about a kindle deal for this series in December. For some absurd reason I didn't already own a copy, so I jumped at the chance.

ARCs I got in January

I received a bunch of review copies this month, mostly from Edelweiss and a couple of author requests. Some of them I've already read, but some I'm planning on reading very soon!

Vision in Silver - Edelweiss | I'm reading this right now, and it's my favorite of the series so far! I am really enjoying the darker nature of the series, but also how much all my favorite characters are growing and changing.
The Many Lives of Ruby Iyer - author | I have been trying to read more diversely, so I was excited to read a book where most/all of the characters were people of color (in this case, of Indian descent). I enjoyed a number of things about this book, but there were a bunch of things I wasn't so fond of as well. Full review to come!

Challenger Deep - Edelweiss | I'm SO excited for this book. It's by one of my favorite authors, Neal Shusterman, and is the book he said he was most proud of writing. I'm sure I will be an emotional wreck when I read this, but I'm looking forward to it anyways.

True Calling - author | I hadn't heard of this series or author before, but when I read the synopsis, I was really excited about science fiction novel. I've been firmly rooted in fantasy over the past few months, so I'm looking forward to more from another genre I love.

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  1. Great haul! I've been meaning to pick up the Mistborn series because it sounds like something I'd really enjoy, plus everyone seems to love Brandon Sanderson's books. Jennifer E. Smith's book sounds pretty good! I hope you enjoy everything. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT readFebruary 1, 2015 at 3:27 PM

    OOoh nice! Been seeing a lot of Mistborn lately! And ooh Vision in Silver! I plan to start this series soon! I have book 1, ARC of 3 and a review book of 2 that should be coming any day now! I'll likely binge read the series to that point!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Happy Birthday for... well, whenever it was! :) Hope you enjoy the Mistborn books; they are pretty awesome.

  4. Thank you! It was last month haha
    I love them! Hero of Ages is one of the best books I've read, and they're all pretty fantastic :D

  5. Thanks! I hope you like the Others series! It's really different from most urban fantasy, and I'm enjoying it.

  6. Mistborn is fantastic! Sanderson is brilliant! I can't come up with enough good things to say about either of them haha
    I'm excited about that one even though I usually don't read contemporary novels. It'll be fluffy and fun to read out loud :)

  7. Happy Birthday!

    My birthday is this month and I'm most looking forward to books. (I've already got two planned that I'm going to buy for myself.) Hope you enjoy getting to read all the Sherlock Holmes stories. I love them and you've got such a nice copy of volume two there. Both mine look all ragged and creased and coming apart from how many times I've read them.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I hope you had an amazing day - to match this amazing haul^^ Gah! I have STRONG feelings of love for these, and I bet you can guess why: Words of Radiance. Heir of Fire. Mistborn. Sherlock Holmes. WoR & HoF were my favorite reads last year (and of life, who am I even kidding?!) And then of course there's Mistborn! Fantastic bday haul ♥

  9. Thanks Amy! I'm really looking forward to the Sherlock Holmes stories. I'll probably read a couple at a time instead of powering my way through both volumes. I hope I love them enough to have ragged copies too :)

  10. Thank you! I ended up having four different birthday lunches the week after my birthday because no one was around on the actual day, but it was fun :D
    I know! I'm so excited to read/reread all of these many times. I love them all!


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