Top Ten Tuesday 47 - SFF books I can't believe I haven't read yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top ten X books I can't believe I haven't read yet
 Since I mostly read science fiction and fantasy anyway, I'm going with those two genres. 


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  1. Jolien @ The Fictional ReaderFebruary 3, 2015 at 7:27 AM

    All of these are on my to-read list as well! I've been hearing a lot about John Scalzi lately, I think if I read one of his books I'll start with either Lick In or The Old Man's War. I hadn't actually heard of Neuromancer or Fortune's Pawn before, I'll definitely look those up.

    Great list!

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT readFebruary 3, 2015 at 8:02 AM

    Those are all totally new to me reads! Hope you get to read some of them soon!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Strong list. Fortune's Pawn is so much fun, but I am a huge fan of the strangely weird Perdido Street Station.

  4. If you ever decide to start the Wheel of Time series, well, I'm interested to see what you'll think! The only other one on this list that I've read is Elantris, so I guess I have a lot of catching up to do, too....

  5. We share a lot of book that we 'can't believe we haven't read yet' You're not alone! LOL! I still need to read Elantris, The Eye of the World, The Emperor's Blades, The Mirror Empire AND Old Man's War. I'm hoping to read Elantris and The Eye of the World this year though...hopefully soon. We'll have to compare notes when you get to these too :)

  6. I've actually only read one of these (Elantris) but a couple are on my to read list and as for the rest....Well, I'm curious about them so I now have to go read about them. Hope you enjoy them once you get around to reading them.

  7. The only China Mieville I've read is Railsea, and I really liked it. I know he's more known for Perdido Street Station, so I'm excited for that one! Who am I kidding, I'm excited for all of these :)

  8. It's such a huge series that I'm intimidated to start. I think I'll start reading book 1 this summer, when I have more time to read. I'll let you know!

  9. I've heard lots of great things about Lock In, so that's on my list too. I'm glad we have a lot of books in common - that makes me feel better about not having read these haha

  10. Wasn't there some other book we both hadn't read? buddy reads all year long hahaha
    Don't worry, you'll definitely hear about it if I start one of these!

  11. I hope you enjoy them as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I've read Elantris (such a great read) Eye of the World (three or four books away from finishing this series) and Fortune's Pawn (I freaking love this trilogy!)

    Of the others I definitely plan to get around to Old Man's Eat and Perdido Street Station someday...And possibly The Emperor's Blades. Good luck reading these!

  13. Lisa (@TenaciousReader)February 4, 2015 at 12:35 PM

    I've only read 3 of these (Old Man's War, Mirror Empire and Emperor's Blade), but recommend all of them. I did read part of Prince of Fool's and just wasn't feeling the humor in it, and set it aside to read later. One of these days I'll get back to it.


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