S&S Book Haul: February

Book Haul

I didn't get a lot of books in February, but the few that I did are books I am really excited about!

Crown of Midnight - I got this book in exchange from one of my old ARCs, thanks to Andi's ABCs and Book Addicts Guide's "Have you seen this..." feature! Basically the way it works is someone asks for an old ARC or specific edition of a book they can't find, and if you have it, you can trade it for a book you're looking for. (key word being "old" ARC - you can't ask for books that haven't been published yet). I loved this book and I'm really excited that I have a copy of it now! It also brightens my day to know that another blogger found a book she was really excited to get her hands on too :D

A Darker Shade of Magic - So...I technically don't have this one in my hands yet because I pre-ordered the UK version and it's getting shipped at the moment, but I ordered it in February so that totally counts! I'm beyond excited for this book, especially after reading the 100ish page preview on NetGalley.

Lock in - I was really excited to read this book, because I haven't read any Scalzi before and this one sounded really cool. I asked my university library to order it and I finally got it last week! It's amazing so far!

ARCs I got in February

I didn't request too many ARCs this month either. It's been a slow month for reading because of midterms, but here's what I have:

This is a historical fiction novel that I got from NetGalley. I haven't read Water for Elephants by the same author, but I heard good things about it so I decided to give this one a try. It sounds a little strange, but I'll see how it goes!

This one is also from Netgalley. The blurb said "Swan Lake meets Robin Hood" and I didn't even bother reading the rest of the blurb before I requested it. I'm really excited to see how this one turns out.

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  1. I really enjoyed Gruen's Water for Elephants, but I've been trying to read more Sci-fi lately, so I held back and didn't request At the Water's Edge. The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest looks tempting, though! ;)
    ~Litha Nelle

  2. WooHoo! Crown of Midnight AND ADSOM :D I still haven't read ADSOM though but I'm still excited about it XD I really enjoyed Water for Elephants too, I hope you will too^^


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