S&S Bingo challenge: March

March was probably my worst blogging month on record, because I basically fell off the map for over two weeks. This winter quarter was the craziest in terms of life and hard classes, but it's finally over!

Here's my update for my bingo challenge. I didn't get to read as much as I wanted to during the month, but I did make some progress.

If you want to join in the Bingo challenge at any time, you can find the original card and instructions here. You can fill out one line to make a bingo, or try and fill out the whole card. This is mainly geared towards Science fiction and Fantasy, but you can use whatever genre you want!

Here's my progress for March:

1. dystopia: The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi

I got this book from Edelweiss, and I was really excited about it because it's by one of my favorite authors. This book is terrifying, not just because it's gritty and brutal and has a fair amount of torture in it, but because of how realistic it is. There isn't any great nuclear cataclysm or some virus that wipes out the world; the world falls to pieces when there simply isn't enough water to go around.

2. Female Author: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

I've had a love-hate relationship with Schwab's books in the past, but this one was pure love! I cannot say enough good things about this book. Go read it! That is all.

3. Time Travel: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I was not expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did! This was a very entertaining book, and I definitely want to check out the show and the sequels. My favorite scene was actually Jamie and Jenny shouting at each other. I could definitely see my little brother and me yelling at each other just like that, although hopefully about less life-and-death things.

4. Humorour SF/F: Lock In by John Scalzi

This book blew my mind! In a world where people are locked in or paralyzed, people adapt by hooking up their consciousness to sleek mechanical bodies. With all those gender and racial stereotypes stripped away, how do we see ourselves? Besides the social commentary, this book is an excellent sci-fi murder mystery, complete with snarky protagonist. I loved it!

Books I have planned for April:

I'm still working on Sherlock Holmes. I have a feeling I won't finish it any time soon, but it's my published before 2000 book. I'm also planning on rereading Lies of Locke Lamora (reread a favorite) and Uprooted by Naomi Novik (dragons).

Are you working on your own S&S bingo card? Link me in the comments!

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  1. Here's my progress so far: http://thereadingwench.com/2015/03/23/mondays-minutes-12/ Unless I miscounted, you and I are tied for books read :)

  2. Awesome! I'll take a look :)


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