2015 goals and Sci-fi/Fantasy bingo challenge!
Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2015 already. Every year seems to go by so fast!
My goals for this year:
- DiverSFFy posts once a month - This is a feature I started last year, but it was so sporadic that I feel like I hardly spotlighted any diverse science fiction and fantasy at all. I'm planning to fix this by posting one feature each month.
- Monthly summary posts - I've seen a lot of other blogs do monthly recaps, and I think it's a great idea to see what people have been up to. I've been too lazy to do them myself, but hopefully this year changes that
- Read 100 books! - I've hit just over 100 books during the past two years, so I'd like to keep up that many books for this year
- Be much better about commenting on other blogs - I loved this summer because I had a lot of time to check out other blogs and leave comments. Whenever I have classes, I'm so swamped with coursework that I don't have as much time as I'd like to see what other bloggers are up to. I'm going to push myself more this year to see what you all are up to!
I've participated in a bunch of yearly reading challenges, but this year I decided I'd make one of my own. Here's a bingo card that is mainly sci-fi and fantasy themed. I plan on filling the whole square by the end of the year. If you'd like to join in the fun, you can either fill out the whole thing or just get 5 in a row (in any direction). I'll be updating my progress about once a month until I finish the challenge. Here's the official Snowflakes & Spidersilk bingo card!
1. One book can only count as one square, but feel free to shuffle which square you're using the book for as the year progresses
2. Although this card is geared towards SF/F, you can use other genres for squares like "debut author" or "reread a favorite"
3. Fill out the entire square if you're feeling motivated, or 5 in a row (across, vertically, or diagonally) for a more relaxed challenge. You are welcome to fill out as much or as little as you like!
What are some of your goals? Are you thinking of joining in the S&S bingo challenge? Let me know!

I like the looks of that bingo card, sadly though I promised myself I wouldn't join any challenges this year because I wound up dropping out of every single one last year. I hope you have fun with it though.
ReplyDeleteI might try something like this myself next year, or maybe if the first half of my year goes well, do a mini challenge later, so thanks for this awesome idea.
Oh, what a fun bingo card! I don't know how much SFF I'll get to read this year, but I'm tempted to try your challenge. I'm assuming a book can only count for one category, and you can't change categories after you've picked one -- or do you have different rules?
ReplyDeleteThanks! I usually only do 2-3 challenges each year (1 year-long challenge and 1-2 seasonal/monthly ones) because I can't handle a lot, so I understand not wanting to join too many things. Challenges are supposed to be fun, and once they start feeling like work it's not worth it!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever change your mind and want to join in later this year, that's fine too! :)
Yes, a book can only count as one category but you can shuffle all you like! If you aren't going to be reading much SFF you can just fill out 5 in a row instead of the whole card :)
ReplyDeleteYep- I think I'll join in on your bingo. One of my resolutions this year is to do more challenges/readathons, as last year I only got to one. This looks like a fun one!
ReplyDelete~Litha Nelle
I agree with everyone that is a great looking bingo card. And yes commenting regularly can be really hard. I just wrote a post I'm going to run in a few days on how I do it. Even then I'm not as good as some other bloggers. But I think having school or a full time job is always going to put a cramp in that. I hope to see you around more!
ReplyDeleteOo normally I don't do bingo cards but this one is really tempting because it's all stuff I'd want to read anyway! I will think about it ;-). I'm really excited to see all the DiverSFFy posts!
ReplyDeleteNormally I don't do bingo cards, but I'm going to try this one! It looks fun, and I read SFF (mostly Fantasy) anyway :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a cool challenge, I can't believe I've only just discovered it now! Oh well, it's never too late to join in, right? ;)