Book Talk: From reader to blogger

First of all, sorry for being AWOL last week. Life got really crazy, to the point when I was celebrating when I had didn't have a 12+ hour day. Winter quarter is always the toughest, but this year is the toughest yet!

Whenever I did have a snatch of down time in the middle of the day, I'd want to spend it relaxing and doing what I love - reading. No matter how tough life gets or how upset/tired/frazzled I am, books always help calm me down and take me to a happier place.

I originally started reviewing books on Goodreads so that I could keep track of my own thoughts on books I'd read. I'm the "bookworm friend" in most of my friend groups, so people come to me asking for recommendations, and it got difficult to remember why I liked a certain book if I had read it a few years ago. Reviews help me keep track of my gut reaction to books, and it's really fun to see how that changes with re-reads.

I was already reviewing books for a couple of years when I decided to start a blog. Like I said earlier, I'm the "bookworm friend" which means most of my friends aren't really readers. I've been lucky enough in college to find a couple of SF/F loving friends that I can talk about books with, but even they don't read as widely or as much as me.

 I love being part of the book blogger community because everyone here really loves to read. You won't look at me funny when I'm freaking out about the next Sanderson book or flailing over the bromance of Jean Tannen and Locke Lamora. You're the ones who convinced me to read the Throne of Glass series, and even though I was skeptical at first, now I'm in love. You have gotten me through really tough and lonely days with your endearing comments and shared excitement for books.

Thank you.

I love you all, and I'm so glad I decided to take the extra step and start a book blog. It's tough to post more than 2-3 times a week for me, so thanks for sticking with me even when I go off the grid.

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  1. We totally understand, blogging is a lot of work and you definitely have to do it on your own time!

    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. Even if you only post 2-3 times a week, your followers still will be here! And wow 12+ work days, sound crazy! Hope your work quiets down soon.
    I found it interesting to read how you went from reader to blogger. For me the change came when I joined goodread and tried this whole reviewing thing and found I liked it.

  3. Life sometimes gets crazy - we totally get it. No worries - we'll be here waiting for you, even when you have to take a little hiatus! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  4. I got started in much the same way. When people started following my reviews on Goodreads instead of just friend me I realized maybe a few people wanted to her what I had to say.

  5. I am relatively new to the book blogger community but I love it so much! It's incredibly fun to talk books and flail about our favorites with people that are as passionate as I am :)

  6. Thanks Lola! It definitely warms my heart to know that people care enough to stick around :)
    I'm in college, and I have a lot of classes this quarter and a lot of other events/teams I'm in charge of, so it's getting overwhelming. I'm hoping I can figure out how to juggle everything!

  7. Thank you so much Nicole! That makes me feel so much better :)

  8. It's a nice feeling, knowing people care about what you have to say :)

  9. Yes! I'm so excited that I've found people who share my love of so many different books! I can't imagine life without the book blogger community now :)

  10. Don't even worry about taking a hiatus sometimes. I think all of us understand that sometimes life just hits really hard and it's difficult to keep doing ALL THE THINGS - you're doing the best you can in the time you have, and that's totally okay! Your lovely readers will be here waiting for you whenever you're ready. :)


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