Top Ten Tuesday 44 - Anticipated 2015 debuts

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Anticipated 2015 Debuts

Only a couple of these are actually debut novels, and the rest are 2015 releases that I'm dying to get my hands on.

I've been seeing this on a lot of blogs lately so I'm excited to read this one for myself!

Fantasy, political intrigue, ghosts, pirates, witches...basically everything awesome in one book.

Spies and fantasy. Yes.
Thorn of Emberlain - basically I need this book THIS INSTANT. Locke and Jean, I'm dying to see how your story continues, especially after that bombshell in book 3!

I wasn't a huge fan of Throne of Glass or the novellas, but then I read Crown of Midnight and LOVED IT. I'm now a huge Sarah J Maas fan and will do anything to get my hands on all her books.

Speaking of Sarah J Maas...Throne of Glass #4 
What's an anticipated release list without a Sanderson novel?

...and another Sanderson novel: Shadows of Self (Mistborn #5)
I already read Fool's Assassin before I realized I should have started with Assassin's Apprentice. Now I'm working my way through her old books but I'm still excited for Fool's Quest!
Last but certainly not least, ADSOM I NEED YOU NOW.

What books are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readJanuary 6, 2015 at 6:13 AM

    OOoh nice ones! Can't wait for Red Queen or ACOTAR!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Jolien @ The Fictional ReaderJanuary 6, 2015 at 7:26 AM

    Red Queen and The Witch Hunter are on my list too! They sounds absolutely incredible. I haven't read Heir of Fire yet, I might wait until I'm closer to the release date of the 4th one. And aCoTaR: so excited for that one!

    I haven't read anything by Robin Hobb yet but I really want to. And I've only read the first book in the Gentleman Bastards. I saw that the release dates of the books are quite far apart in that series and I don't want to be in another situation like I am with a Song of Ice and Fire.

    Such a great list!

  3. I wonder if Thorn of Emberlain will hit. So far the signs seem to suggest it is on track. I will be first in line if true.

  4. I love, love, love your list to pieces! I NEED ToG4, ACOTAR,Firefight, Mistborn5, ADSoM, Orphan Queen, Red Queen AND Witch Hunter :D So,basically, we share ALL OF THESE! Man 2015 is going to be sweet! I hope you can get your hands on all of these asap and I hope you have a fantastic 2015 ♥

  5. Red Queen was on my list as well even though I'd already read and loved it.

    Check out my Top 10

  6. Thanks! I'm so excited for this year :D

  7. Thank you!
    I haven't read Heir of Fire yet either, but after Crown of Midnight I need it ASAP. Robin Hobb's books are very slow, but I think they're worth it so far. I guess stopping with the first Gentleman bastard book is good because once you pick up books 2 and 3 the cliffhangers will have you dying for more!

  8. I'm a little concerned about it getting pushed back more because there's still no official release date, but last I heard it's coming out this fall. I really really hope that's true!

  9. Thanks! Yes 2015 looks so amazing! I've never been this excited for a year in books :)

  10. I'm even more excited now that I've seen it on so many lists!

  11. Amber (Books of Amber)January 10, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    THRONE OF GLASS #4! All the Sanderson. I need ALLLLLLL the Sanderson. I'm determined to read all of his books by the end of the year, which shouldn't be too difficult because they're epic. I also want to get into Robin Hobb's books! AND ADSOM YAAASSSS

  12. FIREFIGHT!! I'm reading it now and ahhhh SO GOOD! And yes, ADSOM. I need that book in life ASAP.


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