
Showing posts from November, 2015

Goodbye...for now

Hello lovely readers, I'm having a bit of a blogger crisis/life crisis/everything-crashing-down-and-driving-me-crazy-all-at-once crisis, so I definitely won't be blogging any time before the end of the year. I don't know if I will be back in January; I'll see if having December to deal with life and catch up on reviews and breathe will be enough. I wasn't successful in my search for a co-blogger, so I'm just going to hope that taking a very large chunk of time off will help me get back on my feet! If I'm still floundering next year, I may have to say goodbye to this little space on the internet. I don't know if I'll be blogging again in the near future, but I will definitely still be reading and flailing on twitter! I hope your winters are going better than mine :) Cheers, and happy holidays!

Time for a Co-blogger?

Hey lovely readers, I love my blog, and I love posting about how much I love books and getting really excited about books with all of you. Lately I just haven't had the time to post as much as I would like. My blog has been pretty low-key, and I've never posted daily, but now my posts are coming less and less frequently. I constantly want to take a break from blogging even though I'm barely posting once or twice a week. Blogging is starting to feel like work. I feel a little burned out, and I thought about doing yet another hiatus to get back on my feet, but I don't think that's the answer. I thought about this for a really long time, and I think I want to find a co-blogger. For me, not having time to write blog posts is only half the battle. I think I also need a friend to say "You can get through this" and occasionally read books with or fangirl over the newest Sanderson novel with. I think having a co-blogger would help me not just with h...