About me

I'm a 20-something engineer and book blogger has made the big transition from California to the midwest for grad school. My favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy, so that's mostly what you'll see on the blog. My TV and bookish fandoms include Doctor Who, The 100, Orphan black, Sanderson's Cosmere, Gentleman Bastards, and anything by VE Schwab. Some random other things I love: tea, hot chocolate, elephants, scarves, fuzzy socks, Baymax!

This blog is to chronicle me and my adventures with words. Which brings me to my explanation for the title of this blog - what do snowflakes and spidersilk have to do with anything? Well, for one thing they are two of my favorite words. And for another, they're both such delicate, beautiful things but where one fades away with time, the other is far stronger than people realize. It's the same way with stories - some of them are beautiful and light but fade away, and others may not seem so beautiful at first but those are the ones that stick in your memory.

You can contact me at spidersilksnowflakes [at] gmail [dot] com.

Authors: I do accept review requests, preferably science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction/fantasy - just shoot me an email.

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