SF/F Subgenre Flowcharts

I originally made a Science fiction subgenre flowchart for Sci-Fi month 2014 (here's a link to the original post), and it seems like a lot of people found it useful to find recommendations from different subgenres. Here's the chart in all it's glory so that you can find a subgenre for your every mood :)

The flowchart is a bit hard to read, so if you can't zoom in with your browser, you can access the full size version here (just click on the magnifying glass when you hover over the picture)

Science Fiction Flowchart

Fantasy Flowchart

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  1. I love some of those suggestions on that flowchart. I've been wanting to read more sci-fi and this has given me some very great jumping off points to see what I might like to read. I was wondering, do you still plan on doing a fantasy flowchart? Although I'm pretty well versed in what I like/dislike in that genre, I'd be very curious to see what you'd suggest.

    1. Yes, I'll definitely be doing a fantasy flowchart, although it will probably be later in the year. I'll post it here as soon as I can!


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