Top Ten Tuesday: Books I picked up on a whim

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Books I picked up on a whim

I don't often pick up books on a whim, but sometimes I'll be at the library and a random book will catch my attention. I've found some pretty awesome books this way!


Believe it or not, I grabbed this one on a whim for my birthday. The book I actually wanted was out of stock, and this one seemed cool. I'd heard nothing about it because it was before it blew up into a phenomenon, and I really enjoyed it!

My first Terry Pratchett book was The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, which I read in 5th grade and promptly forgot who the author was. I randomly grabbed this at the library years later and rediscovered how awesome Terry Pratchett is!

Somehow I lived under a rock and didn't hear anything about how awesome this book was before I picked it up. I read it a year before I started blogging, and I didn't have too many reader friends so I just picked it up at the library because it sounded cool. I adore this series now :D

I requested this on Netgalley last year because it sounded cool and had a pretty cover. It was one of my favorite sci-fi books from last year, and I'm glad to see it gaining poplarity. This book is awesome, go read it!

I don't even remember how I found this book, but it was adorable, terrifying, funny, and so much fun!

This was one of my first UF books so I didn't know what to expect, and I didn't realize how many of my blogger friends adored this series until after I finished it lol

I randomly picked this up at the library, and I knew nothing about it, but it ended up being a pretty fun con story!

One of my favorite Peter Pan retellings, and I found it by randomly browsing on Netgalley :)
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