Chaos Walking short stories

The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness is one of the best series I have ever read. It is both action packed and full of raw emotion; it makes you think about life as it is and how it could be. The writing is amazing, and the characters all dance in the shades of gray between good and evil. In a word, BRILLIANCE.

If you haven't already read this series, get on it as soon as possible! The books are called The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Ask and the Answer, and Monsters of Men.

If you have already read this series, here's some exciting news! Patrick Ness has written new short stories to go with the new editions of the series. The first is called The Wide, Wide Sea is set in the past and is about Mistress Coyle, and Snowscape is a story that takes place after Monsters of Men about Wilf and Lee. There's also a prequel to the series called The New World (this one has been published for a while). You can get the stories for free here. Happy reading!


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