Blog redesign...yet again

Hello lovely blog readers!

I'm a Do-It-Yourself kind of person, and even when I've finished something, sometimes I just keep having this nagging voice in my mind that tells me that something isn't quite right.

I redesigned my blog a couple of months ago, and I was pretty happy with it at the time. I had never done anything involving Photoshop or CSS before, and somehow I managed to figure how to redesign my blog with a lot of helpful tutorials and websites. Still, looking at some other blogs that had been redesigned, mine didn't look as clean or as professional. At the time, I was just tired of redoing it, so I just left it as is.

But today I figured it was time to try again.

I'm much happier with this blog now, but we'll see how long this layout lasts!

Here are screenshots documenting the transformation. What do you think?



blog signature photo 4bf1c374-231a-40b6-8756-317f9308721c_zpsf45cae08.jpg
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  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readFebruary 17, 2014 at 6:30 AM

    OOh nice! I like it!

  2. I love the new design!! I'm always impressed when people are able to do their own design work. I've definitely tweaked my design, but I'd be overwhelmed if I tried to totally overhaul it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. Thanks! Overhauling yourself is definitely a challenge, but the nice thing is that you know how to fix things if you need to :)


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