Top Ten Tuesday 15

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

This has been one of my favorite blog posts to put together - can I just say that Pinterest is amazing? I hope you enjoy this!

1. Books help me escape the real world when it gets too boring, dull, stressful, or upsetting. Sometimes I just want to forget about that midterm or get over my rainy day, and reading about the adventures of people in other places, times, and worlds just helps me take my mind off of everything!
The Random House Group - Google+ - A little Friday quote for all your lovely book lovers out…

2. Characters sometimes make better friends than peopleguilty as charged :)

3. Understanding literary comics like this one:
The Instagram of Dorian Gray

4. Knowing what happens next because you've read the books and the TV show/movies haven't caught up
Us real fans get it
5. This definitely applies to fellow book bloggers and people I know personally :)

6. This is the only kind of hangover I'm ever going to have :)
The Hunger Games...I just finished the trilogy a second time.  The hangover is worse.

7. I've learned a lot - about life in general, and about random things like politics in 16th century France,  and virology
Learning-quotes-reading-quotes-books-quotes-Abraham-Lincoln-Quotes-All-I-have-learned-I-learned-from-books..jpg 550×550 pixels

8. This just says it all:
 How to learn vicariously ~ read and judge for yourself, prior to being emotionally involved in the situation yourself!

blog signature photo 4bf1c374-231a-40b6-8756-317f9308721c_zpsf45cae08.jpg
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  1. I agree with a lot of your points. Reading is fantastic escapism and I'm grateful for that!

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT readFebruary 18, 2014 at 6:43 AM

    OOh nice! I really like the pics! Especially the last one! Great reasons!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Those are great! I love pinterest for things like this (:

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin
    My Top Ten

  4. Ha! I love the movie fan/book fan graphic. So true. I saw Catching Fire in theatres with a friend who hasn't read the book, and she was FLOORED by the ending!

  5. Haha, I completely agree that sometimes, books make great best friends. Nice list!
    Check out my TTT list:

  6. Great list! I especially agree with #6, sometimes I'm so reluctant to leave a book behind that I can spend days mulling it over.

    My TTT :)

  7. I love that you used Pinterest pics for this! Great idea!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. I think this is my favorite top 10 list yet. I love all the images/quotes that you chose.

  9. Thanks Jessica!
    A bit of a technical issue - did you have trouble commenting on this post? I have a bunch of comments through blogger that aren't showing up on Disqus, and yours is the only one that is on both. I can't figure out how to get all the other comments to show up...

  10. Lovely post. I agree with loads of your reasons for loving being a blogger/reader!

  11. Jessica @ a GREAT readFebruary 20, 2014 at 6:33 AM

    No issues for me. Hate tech issues. I am sooo bad with technology! The only thing I end up doing is yelling at my computer a lot. My poor laptop has had a lot of verbal abuse over the years, but it's the internet I'm really yelling at! Hope you can get things figured out! :)


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