Top Ten Tuesday 27 - Ten Books About Friendship

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Best Bookish Friendships

I'm so excited for this week's theme - there are so many books where the characters have such incredible friendships and it makes me so happy that my favorite characters will always have someone to watch their back. Friendships are one of the greatest things in life, and bookish friendships are often what makes me love a book or its characters.

(Please excuse the lack of pictures - I've had an incredibly busy week and I slapped this together last minute)

  1. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
  2. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
  3. Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud
  4. Daughter of Smoke and bone by Laini Taylor
  5. Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta
  6. More Than This by Patrick Ness
  7. Bruiser by Neal Shusterman
  8. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
  9. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
  10. Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
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  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readMay 20, 2014 at 6:28 AM

    Nice picks! These are all new to me!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. The Lies of Locke Lamora is a great example, loved this book :)

    Finley Jayne

  3. I don't know any of these besides CODE NAME VERITY (*sobs*) and also Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I wish that series focused more on Zuzana and Mik, but I guess I can't complain because they do have a novella.

  4. I feel like I've been seeing The Lies of Locke Lamora everywhere! I really need to add it to my TBR.

  5. I agree with you about Code Name Verity. Such a powerful book. I can't wait to read More Than This. I've heard such great things.

  6. I haven't read the novella yet but I love Mik and Zuzana!
    And yes, CNV had me in a catatonic state for an hour after I finished it. SUCH FRIENDSHIP :')

  7. Jean and Locke are my current BFF-ship - they're just so awesome, and I can't imagine one without the other. I loved it too!

  8. it's INCREDIBLE! I can't stop gushing about it and recommending it to everyone I know haha
    I hope you enjoy it!


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