Way of Kings Readalong!

Have you ever read anything by Brandon Sanderson?

If you have, you know that his books are always brilliantly realized, with incredible worlds, complex and multi-faceted characters, incredible magic systems, intricate plotting, and a lot of fun. And if you haven't, you're in for a real treat.

Either way, you should join in this readalong!

We'll be reading the first book of Sanderson's Stormlight Archive, The Way of Kings starting June 22. It's quite a large book, so I'm aiming to split it up into about 200 pages a week. The tentative schedule is below:

  • June 22: Read through Ch12 (201)
  • June 29: Read through Ch28 (405)
  • July 6: Read through Ch42 (600)
  • July 13: Read through Ch57 (810)
  • July 20: Finish book (1002)
  • July 27: Final thoughts

If epic fantasy intimidates you, don't be overwhelmed by the size of this book! Sanderson is the guy that got me back into fantasy after years of putting it to the side because I got tired of pages and pages about random magical cities and too many convenient true identities/magical powers. I found his Mistborn series really easy to read, without too much magical jargon. I also really liked the characters, and was pleased to see that unlike most male white fantasy authors, Sanderson can write awesome female characters that have more to them than beautiful bodies. Ahem.

Even if you're on the fence, I think think this is a great place to start epic fantasy or give it another shot.

How do you participate? I'll be posting brief summaries of the chapters we've read so far so that people who have already read it can participate without spoiling things. I'll post about my thoughts so far and predictions about what's going to happen, and maybe a discussion post to go with it. You can stop by and comment with your thoughts or do your own posts on your blogs - just be sure to link me to them in the comments so I know to stop by.

I'm so excited - this is my first time hosting a Readalong, and I can't wait to experience a Sanderson novel with some wonderful fellow book lovers!

In the meantime, grab yourself a copy of WoK and tell anyone you know who might be interested!
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  1. Michelle {Book Hangovers}May 13, 2014 at 8:17 PM

    YEAH BUDDY! I can't wait! I already have the ebook on my Kindle and I just went out and got the gorgeous book this past weekend. A Mother's Day present to myself :)
    So excited!!!!!
    Big Hugs xoxo

  2. Heh... just published my critique on that today. I also put some terms you should know before starting it. Feel free to peruse.

  3. I'm so excited too! I'm glad someone else is as excited as me haha

  4. Cool! Can you post a link? I'll be sure to check it out!

  5. Awesome! The more the merrier :)
    The kick-off post goes up tomorrow, so look out for that!

  6. This is the critique:

    The terms are towards the middle. Also, I recommend you take a good look at all of Shallan's sketches when they come up in the book. They're very helpful. :)


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