Top Ten Tuesday 36 - Unowned TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet

This is a strange theme for me because I read almost all of my books from the library, and only buy my favorites. So I'm going to amend this to Books I really want to read but don't have in my possession. 

1. Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

As I mentioned last week, I'm on a mission to read every Sanderson book ever. He's one of my favorite authors, and if I'm going to tackle the mysteries of the cosmere, it's obvious that I'm going to have to read all the books set in it.

2. The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

I really enjoyed Half a King by the same author, and I've heard on all accounts that this trilogy is even better! I will be reading it as soon as I can get my hands on it. Which is hopefully soon.

3. Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
Rose Under Fire (Code Name Verity, #2)

I loved Code Name Verity by the same author, and was lucky enough to win a signed paperback of it. I've read and reread that book and it just gets better (and more emotional) every time. I can't wait to see how Rose Under Fire compares. I'm sure it will be fantastic!

4. The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch

I love Locke and Jean to death, and I cannot wait to see how the next chapter in their story turns out. Obviously I don't have this book in my possession, because it won't be published until early next year (!!).

5. Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

I've been hearing a lot of great things about Mark Lawrence's series, so I'm excited to read this one. Unfortunately, my library doesn't have a copy, which means I'm either going to have to beg/borrow/steal one or buy a copy for myself. Hmmmm...

6.  A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

So...I have this strange relationship with V.E Schwab's books (see my reviews of The Archived, Vicious, and Steelheart for more details) where I think everything about them is fantastic and awesome and I want to love them...but I don't. I actually really liked Vicious, but I didn't think the hype did it justice. So I'm excited to give V.E. Schwab one more chance, and this book's synopsis has my pulse racing even more than her other books. Third time's the charm?

7. Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica

The synopsis of this one sounds incredible, and I've heard lots of good things about it. I mean, a fantasy world where the real-world intruder isn't the hailed savior of prophecy, but instead someone to keep away? That's new. Working on getting a copy of this. We'll see how that goes.

Any of these on your wishlist? Which one should I try to get my hands on first?

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  1. Rereading Elantris now. Yuss!!! Go for this one first. You can never go wrong with Sanderson.

    I own and have not read... The Blade Itself, Prince of Thorns, and Child of a Hidden Sea. Schwab and anything by Lynch are super high on my to-buy list.

    Elizabeth Wein is an author I've not heard of yet, I need to go look her up. Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. I keep meaning to read Rose Under Fire as well after really enjoying Code Name Verity!

  3. Rose Under Fire is on my list too! Code Name Verity is the best book I have read this year :)

  4. Oh, I can't wait to get my hands on A Darker Shade of Magic!

    The Blade Itself is on my TBR list, too, and I'm on the fence about Prince of Thorns.

    My TTT

  5. I have been meaning to read Prince of Thorns for ages, and Child of a Hidden Sea seems great.

  6. yeah, they both seem really good! I'm excited :)

  7. I've seen both great and mixed reviews about Prince of Thorns, but I still want to see if I like it.

  8. Isn't it amazing? And it gets better with all the rereads as you pick up more clues. I can't wait for Rose!

  9. I'll keep an eye out for your review!

  10. Sanderson all the way! But then again I don't want to burn through all his books because what am I going to do when I need my Sanderson fix? :)
    Lies of Locke Lamora is incredible! I read it immediately after Hero of Ages, and I couldn't decide which one I liked more. If that tells you anything...
    Code Name Verity is great! I hope you like it!

  11. The Mistborn trilogy was my first Sanderson read, and I'm re-reading it right now. It's so much better the second time around :)

    Yeah, that's part of why most of my books are from the library. I can't afford to buy 100 books every year haha

  12. I haven't heard of some of these, so happy to have new titles to add to my TBR list. I loved Code Name Verity so can't wait for Rose Under Fire.

  13. awwwww thanks so much Michelle! You make my day!
    I'll be sure to keep you posted when I start reading First Law :)

  14. "several year adventure" doesn't even begin to cover it!
    Half a King was great! Yup, that's why I'm a library-dweller :)

  15. Yay! More Rose fans!
    I've followed you back - beautiful blog, by the way!

  16. Elantris was my first ever Brandon Sanderson read, and I really liked it. Other people have differing opinions, but I think because it was my first one it will always be held in high esteem.
    I've also been trying to get my hands on Abercrombie's The Blade Itself, but all the copies I've come across so far have been very pricey. Someday I'll find it in a used bookstore, but I haven't yet.

  17. Michelle {Book Hangovers}January 4, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    I own Elantris, The Blade Itself and Price of Thorns. But I've only read The Blade Itself. I can't wait for you to read Joe Abercrombie's The First Law Trilogy. I'm on book 2, Before They Are Hanged, and OMG are they freakin' good. Brutally Fantastic!!! I kind of know your taste (b/c it's a tad bit like mine) I admire and aspire to be like you in the "read and review" department. I love all the books you have read and I applaud you and all of your reviews. Your my favorite ;)
    Big Hugs love! xoxo

  18. I haven't heard of Child of a Hidden Sea before, but I'm really intrigued now and have to go check it out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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