Top Ten Tuesday 35 - Must reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Books People Have Been Telling You That You MUST Read

1. Every Sanderson book ever.

Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, and I've now read the entire Mistborn trilogy and the first two books of the Stormlight Archive. But of course, as I've been told a thousand times, I have to read the rest of them as well. The Cosmere calls!

2. Angelfall series

Angelfall was on my list last week about books I wasn't too sure about, and I got unanimous recommendations to go read it. So I will!

3. Wool 

I've seen this book around a lot, and everyone I know has loved it. I'm pretty sure I'll read this, but I'm just confused about whether I'll have to read the other two omnibuses or if this one can stand alone. The whole serial story thing is throwing me off!

4. Of Metal and Wishes

Nikki from TWBI tells me that since I love Phantom of the Opera, this is a must read. I'm really excited for this retelling of an amazing classic.

5.  The first law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

I really liked Half a King by the same author, so I've been meaning to read his other books, but Michelle from Book Hangovers sealed the deal. She's now a die-hard Abercrombie fan, and I can't wait to see what I think of these.

6. The Throne of Glass series

I've heard a lot of great things about this series, and I actually have a library copy of the novellas, but I haven't gotten to it yet because I have so many other books I've been dying to read. Fear not, I have been convinced that I must read this series, and I definitely will!

7. Blood Song

I hadn't even heard of this one before, but one of my friends told me it was AMAZING and that I had to read it. Usually I'm the one recommending things to her, so this time it'll be nice to read something that she told me to try.

8. The Martian

I've been hearing a lot of great things about this book, and it's one of this month's picks for the Dragons and Jetpacks group on Goodreads (which I just joined this month). I'm really excited to read this, and hopefully I'll get to it by the end of the month!

9. Night of Cake and Puppets

I love Laini Taylor, and I love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy. Obviously, I have to read the novella that goes along with it. I've been told that it is fantastic, so I'm excited.

10. Firefly

Ok, I'm cheating, but I've run out of books! A bunch of my friends with really similar tastes in books told me that I have to watch this show. I finally watched the pilot this week and I love it!

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  1. Anna @ Books,Quotes & DimplesAugust 19, 2014 at 5:02 AM

    Angelfall is amazing-I hope you like it :). Throne Of Glass is pretty awesome as well & the Laini Taylor novella is one of the cutest things I have ever read.

  2. I really need to read the Throne of Glass series too. It's been recommended to me by so many people now! :-)

  3. I didn't really enjoy The Blade Itself even though the characters in it are wonderful. I will probably finish the trilogy but it just wasn't what I was hoping for.

    I've got Night of Cake and Puppets sitting on my Kindle waiting to be read but I still haven't read Dreams of Gods and Monsters!

  4. Yup! It's been everywhere, especially with Heir of Fire coming out soon.

  5. There's a movie to tie up the ends of Firefly, so it should have an ending even if it was canceled. If you like sci-fi (and even if you don't), it's a great show! The first episode is confusing as hell but it's all explained by the second episode.

  6. Thanks! Good to know Throne of Glass is something to keep looking forward to :)

  7. Awww I'm sorry you didn't like The Blade Itself as much as you wanted to.
    Dreams is sooooo goood! I hope you enjoy it!

  8. Michelle {Book Hangovers}August 21, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Oh man! You've already read the 2nd book in The Stormlight Archives?!?!? No Words of Radiance read along??? :( JK....OMG YES YES YES to Joe Abercrombie's, The First Law trilogy. I've read book 1, The Blade Itself, and was blown away. It's brutal, brutally awesome! I'm about to read book 2, Before They Are Hanged, in a group read-along with some friends on goodreads. That will take place on Aug 25th! CAN'T WAIT!!
    Oh and I totally get it with the Throne of Glass series! I was recommended to read it by numerous amounts of people and so I gave in. I was NOT impressed. Book 1 just made me mad b/c I expected so much greatness from it. Total let down, almost gave up on the series. But, of course, every one said book 2, Crown of Midnight, is the one that will turn me on to liking the series. I read it in 3 days and freakin' LOVED IT! AMAZING and BAD ASS!!!! Girl you must read it!
    MISS ya, luvs ya! I'm gonna try and do the next Top Ten Tuesday but we'll see. I'm so darn busy with "motherhood life" over here :)
    BIG HUGS my sweets xoxo

  9. Michelle {Book Hangovers}August 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    P.S. ~ I'm interested in Blood Song as well. Also I'm curious about Mark Lawrence..... I have both his books, Prince of Thorns and Prince of Fools....we'll see...... MUAH xoxo

  10. There will be a WoR readalong for sure, probably closer to when book 3 comes out. I just couldn't wait to read it and it was SO GOOD.
    So excited for Blade Itself! Everyone says it's miles better than Half a King so I can't wait!
    Ok, I'll keep that in mind! I'm reading the novellas for Throne of Glass right now, so it'll be a while before I get to book 2 :)

  11. Yay, more people who love firefly! I love Joss Whedon's sense of humor :D

  12. Joss Whedon is pretty much a god in my eyes. :-) Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my all-time favorite TV show and I don't think it could ever be replaced at the top of my list.

  13. Thanks! I'm so excited for the Laini Taylor novella :D


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