Sci-fi month: Bingo challenge update

It's Sci fi month hosted by Oh, the Books! and Rinn Reads!

Sci-fi month is almost over, but it has been a really fun month! I've gotten to talk about all sorts of things with other book lovers and sci-fi enthusiasts, from favorite books to pet peeves to awesome TV shows and movies. I wanted to close with a look at how my sci-fi bingo challenge went, since I think it does a pretty good job of encompassing most of the things I did this month.

The yellow squares are the ones that I have completed. A lot of them are from TV shows and short stories, since I didn't have much time to read many books this month. Here's what I've been up to this month:

1. Steampunk – Rogues Anthology: “A Year and a Day in Old Theradane” by Scott Lynch

2. Absent-minded professor
3. Space opera
4. Immortality
5. Floating city
6. Superheroes – AGENTS OF SHIELD: Pilot
7. Apocalypse/world disaster – DOCTOR WHO: In the Forest of the Night
8. Mind control – Mockingjay (Part I)
9. Lost civilizations: Nightfall by Isaac Asimov
10. SF classic: Call of the Cthulu by HP Lovecraft
11. Teleportation
12. Colonization of other planets
13. FREE
14. Human Zoo – Collecting Team by Robert Silverberg
15. Alien Invasion – DOCTOR WHO: Dark Water
16. Invisibility – Rogues Anthology: "Ill Seen in Tyre" by Steven Saylor
17. Drugs and meds – Rogues Anthology: “Tawny Petticoats” by Michael Swanwick
18. Virtual reality
19. Mad scientist
20. Resizing – DOCTOR WHO: Flatline
21. Shapeshifters
22. Parallel universes – Rogues Anthology: “A Better Way to Die” by Paul Cornell
23. Domed city
24. Award winner
25. Military SF

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