Top Ten Tuesday 42 - Sequels

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Sequels I Want to Read

This week's post is pretty much my flailing fangirling about how awesome all these series are and how much I'm dying to get my hands on these sequels, so I think I'll just stick to pictures :) Some of these are books that aren't out yet, but some are books that I just haven't gotten my hands on yet.

The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch (Gentleman Bastards #4)
Skybreaker by Brandon Sanderson (Stormlight Archive #3)
Undivided by Neal Shusterman (Unwind Dystology #4)
Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein (Code Name Verity #2)
Lirael by Garth Nix (Abhorsen #2)
Visitors by Orson Scott Card (Pathfinder #3)

Untitled by Maggie Stiefvater (Raven Cycle #4)
Untitled by Marie Lu (Young Elites #2)
Before They are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie (First Law #2)
Hammered by Kevin Hearne (Iron Druid Chronicles #3)

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  1. I really need to try and get to Rose Under Fire as well. It looks so good and I've heard brilliant things. I hope you enjoy these books when you get to them!

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT readNovember 18, 2014 at 6:09 AM

    OOOh nice! Lots of new to me ones here! I read Hammered however long ago that was and it was good! Love the series!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh man I'm fifty pages away from finishing UnDivided. This series blows all the other dystopia novels off the planet.

  4. Oh if you liked The Blade Itself then keep moving on the series, it is so much set up that doesn't get it's payoff until the next two.

    I want the Lynch book pretty bad but I would be shocked if we see it next year.

  5. I recently read The Lies of Locke Lamora and loved it! But I still have to read the following two books though. And I agree with the next book in The Raven Cycle; that series is so magical and mystical. The Young Elites, Sabriel and the first book in the Stormlight Archive are all on my to-read list.

    You have some amazing fantasy books listed!

    My TTT

  6. YES ^^ I NEED Skybreaker like the air I breathe :D And even though I still need to read Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I ALSO NEED the 4th book in the Raven Cycle haha! As for the rest of your picks here, well I still have to get into The Lies of Locke Lamora (I do own a copy though - so hoping soon!), the Abhorsen series AND The Young Elites, but seeing them here is pretty wicked motivation ;) Fantastic picks!! ♥

  7. I've had it on my TBR pile for ages but I haven't actually gotten a copy yet. I'm excited!

  8. I've enjoyed the first two books so I'm excited to keep reading! Glad you enjoyed the series :D

  9. I'm so jealous! I actually still haven't read UnSouled but I really loved the first two books!

  10. Excellent! I did get the feeling that there was zero plot in Blade Itself but the characters were enough to make me keep reading. I'm so excited!
    Isn't it slated for winter/spring next year? I haven't heard anything about it so I think you might be right :(

  11. I wish I could say Gentleman Bastards gets better with every book but Lies is still my favorite haha (The other two are still fantastic though :D)
    I'm reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue right now and it's the most magical/mystical/surreal of the lot. I don't want this book to end...
    Thanks! Can you believe I swore off fantasy a couple of years ago? Thankfully I had some persistent friends that forced me to borrow and read their books and I'm once again in love with my childhood favorite genre.

  12. Yes, that sounds about right :)
    READ LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA. I promise you're going to have major crushes on Jean and Locke. If that isn't a good enough motivation... ;)

  13. I' loved fantasy since I was little too! There are some books that you just want to read forever, like they shouldn't end at all. For me, those are The Raven Cycle and The Others series by Anne Bishop!

    I still look forward to all the other Gentleman Bastard books :D


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