Top Ten Tuesday 43 - Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR

This is a list of books I plan on reading starting December. The books on the right are rereads, because I've been meaning to do a bunch (some on audio and some paperback). I figured winter was the best time to cuddle up with a familiar good book :D


I think it's high time I get back into the Mistborn universe, don't you?

Audio reread -  I liked parts of this book and other parts really rubbed me the wrong way. I want to do an audio reread to see if I like it better the second time around!

I've heard that Scalzi is funny and clever, and I figured this would be a good book to start with. Any thoughts?

I read this for the first time last December, and now that I own a copy I really should read it again! Maybe this will be my annual holiday reread book :)

I'm reading Lirael right now, and I'm liking it more than Sabriel so far. Maybe reading the audio of Sabriel was what bored me about it, because the narrator had a very soothing voice and I kept falling asleep. Lirael is much better, so I'm excited to keep reading!

This is my favorite Gaiman book, and I should probably reread it before I continue passing it along to everyone I know hehe

I love mysteries and sci-fi, and my favorite city is San Francisco. This book has all three!

Childhood favorites can never be reread too many times. This was my first ever sci-fi book, so it's even more special!

After reading Fool's Assassin and having almost no idea what was happening, I figured I should catch up and read the previous books (whoops...). 

Audio reread: I reread the first Mistborn book on audio, and it was fantastic. I caught so much more foreshadowing and I was way more invested because I already loved the characters. I really want to reread this one as well (I'll probably skip WoA, because that one was painful to get through on paper...let's not even talk about an audio reread).

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  1. I have heard lots of good things about The Golem and the Jinni. I hope that you enjoy all of the books on your Winter TBR! :-)

  2. So many fantasy books that I want to read too! The Name of the Wind, Sabriel and Assassin's Apprentice, I just need to read. I can't even believe I haven't done so already. I still have to read the Well of Ascension: you didn't like it?

    I hope you enjoy reading them, great list :D

  3. You've got a brilliant selection on your list, some of them I want to read as well including The Golem and the Jinni, The Name of the Wind and Mr. Penumbra.

    Hope you enjoy your reading :)

  4. Jessica @ a GREAT readNovember 25, 2014 at 6:12 AM

    OOOh nice picks!! All are totally new to me but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I really want to read the Mistborn series, as well as The Wrinkle of Time - heard such good things! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  6. The Golem & The Jinni sounds so damn AWESOME! It's on my list too.

    Also The Name Of The Wind. I love Patrick Rothfuss's reviews on Goodreads so I really really hope I'll love this one.

    Otherwise I want to read the Mistborn series too!

    Nice picks ;) My TTT

  7. Hell Yes, Sanderson all around :D I'm about halfway through Hero of Ages so seeing Alloy of Law here made me smile! Then, once I'm all caught up I am definitely planning a re-read (or two or three!)

    I still need to read A Wrinkle in Time, Sabriel, Old Man's War, The Golem and The Jinni, Assassin's Apprentice and ANYTHING by Rothfuss. Awesome list ^^ xx

  8. I still need to read The Golem and the Jinni for the first time! It's buried in my TBR pile.

  9. I had to do a double take when I saw some of these titles being listed. But then it made sense again cause they were rereads for you LOL. Mr. Penumbra has always intrigued me as a book but I've yet to have the gusto to delve into it.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts

  10. I liked the Assassin books and read them years ago, I hope I remember everything when I read the new one soon... :)

  11. It's fantastic! It's a really good warm fuzzy book. That's why I want to do a reread soon :)

  12. It's not that I didn't like it, but it was a very slow book. Lots of beloved characters were annoying and whiny in this book, but the ending and the third book more than make up for it!

  13. Thanks! I know I'll enjoy the rereads, but I'm excited for the new books too :D

  14. Mistborn is EXCELLENT. I cannot say enough good things about Sanderson books. Wrinkle in Time is also excellent, but I'm biased because I've loved since I was 9 years old :)

  15. IT IS. It is also *such* an emotional book. I was crying so hard at the end and it wasn't even because I was sad. It was weird happy tears but sad that the book was over but still happy that it was so good? I was a wreck haha

  16. Hero of Ages is the book that sealed the deal for me with Sanderson books. I really liked the first two Mistborn books, but Sanderson became one of my favorite authors with the first page of HoA :)

    Yesssss I'm looking forward to your thoughts on all of those!

  17. It's really good! Maybe it's time to reshuffle that TBR? ;)

  18. hahaha yeah, I think I might have thrown people for a loop with half my TBR being rereads. Winter just seems like the best time to do them though!
    Mr. Penumbra has been on my radar for a while but I think I'm going to actually sit down and read it over winter break.

  19. I don't think you need to remember much, but you have to be familiar with the characters. I wasn't at all when I read it, so I feel like I missed out on a lot.

  20. Jolien @ The Fictional ReaderNovember 26, 2014 at 5:37 AM

    I look forward to reading it!
    And I hope you enjoy your reread of the last one.

  21. Lovely lovely list, but it makes me so sad you know that you read Fool's Assassin before The Farseer Trilogy! The books really should be read in order...

    The Golen & The Jinni is sitting on my Kindle too. Hope you enjoy it your reread :D


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