Top Ten Tuesday 10

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014

I kind of already did this with my Happy New Year post a few days ago, but why not write down my bookish goals again? :)

  1. be better about updating my blog - I'm going to be more consistent and hopefully have more fun posts instead of just reviews
  2. check out my fellow blogger's stuff - I'm really good about commenting back, and not so much about checking out other blogs on my own. I'm going to try and do that more often! I'm looking forward to all your wonderful posts.
  3. A-Z challenge on Goodreads - The plan is to read 26 books each that start with the letters A-Z (the only exceptions being X and Z which can simply be present in the title)
  4. 2014 Goodreads challenge - This year, I'm planning on reading 80 books. I've only read 2 so far, but I usually do a lot of reading over the summer so plenty of time to catch up :)
  5. Participate in a book club - one of the clubs I'm in at college has started a book club. The January book is an intimidating Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami! We'll see how that goes...
Some non-bookish goals:
  1. Have more self-confidence - I'm going to stop being my own worst critic and try and believe in myself a little more. A think a little confidence goes a long way to being happier about yourself, so I'm going to consciously stop those negative thoughts and focus on the good.
  2. Keep in touch with more people - since I've gotten to college, I've been pretty good about keeping in touch with my friends in other universities/other cities, but there have definitely been times where I go for weeks without checking in with any of them!
  3. Practice my French - I took French for 6 years in middle school and high school, but as an engineering major I have no time for French classes in college. I really miss it and I've been trying to at least read a French play or novel so I stay in touch with the language. Ideally I practice speaking it too, but that's tough with no one to speak it with...
Those are my goals for this year. Here's to new years and new beginnings!

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  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readJanuary 7, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    Ooh impressive list! I think I too need to be more positive as well. I am my own worst critic in all things of life. Good luck with your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Good for you! Especially love your plan to practice your French! Good luck!

    Here's my list of Book-ish Resolutions!

  3. Bloggin' 'bout BooksJanuary 7, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    I like your non-bookish #1 goal. Negative self-talk is such a hard habit to break, but so important. Good luck with it and all your other resolutions!

  4. Thank you so much! Good luck with being more positive :)

  5. Thanks! Good luck with learning Spanish :)

  6. Awesome resolutions.
    I hope you complete every single one <3
    Good luck!
    Here's Our TTT
    Doris OABR

  7. I am an ENORMOUS advocate of self-confidence. While I obviously have my insecurities, I love myself and who I am. I really wish more people would find that feeling for themselves as well. Good luck with all your resolutions, but especially that one.

    My TTT.

  8. I did the A-Z challenge last year. It was fun. Good luck with your goals.

  9. And I'm a new follower! Hope to see you again soon!

  10. Thank you! Good luck to you as well :)

  11. yeah, low self-confidence is something I've been struggling with. But now that I've consciously made a decision to think positively, I feel a lot better! Good luck to you too!
    I know you've stopped by my blog a lot and I'm definitely following yours but I'm blanking out on which one it is! I feel terrible - what's your blog title again?

  12. Thanks Kelley! You as well :)

  13. Thank you Doris! All this encouragement really means a lot!
    Aaaah your blog is so adorable - I love the layout :)

  14. Thank you so much! I've been going through some tough times, but I'm proud of myself because so far I have managed to think positively and keep my head up. Your encouragement truly means a lot!

  15. Thanks Kathy! It's weird - I'm having trouble finding books for letters you wouldn't think I'd have trouble with...any suggestions for H or K?
    Also if you leave me a link to your blog, I'll be sure to stop by!

  16. Thanks Jenna! I did the A-Z last year as well, but last year it was more lenient because it was titles OR authors. This year I'm making it a bit harder on myself, so we'll see how that goes :)
    Drop me a link to your blog and I'll be sure to stop by!

  17. Bloggin' 'bout BooksJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    Of course --


    Thanks :)

  19. Fun goals! That A-Z challenge sounds like a lot of fun. :) I'm in a book club right now and I've really loved it. Hope all your resolutions turn out great!

  20. Your non-bookish goals #1 and #2 should be my goals as well :) I have a low self-confidence and I can be socially awkward so I avoid people in my life sometimes. I shouldn't be such a perfectionist. I'm participating in lots of reading challenges this year and I want to be more consistent with updating my blog, too. :) Good luck!


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