Top Ten Tuesday 13

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In

  1. 764347 Even if I'm out of the age range that makes people eligible for being unwound, it's so freaky that a country would agree to have their "trouble children" broken down and distribute their organs.
  2. 9680114 Most people in this world are fused to objects, buildings, or other people after a nuclear bomb went off. The rest are perfectly healthy, but live in a super-controlled dome. Neither scenario sounds very appealing.
  3. 6468718 I think it's safe to say I don't want to be anywhere near the Forest of Hands and Teeth - goodbye Zombies!
  4. 6984678 If I lived in this world, odds are I'd die a brutal death. I'd prefer to stick around for a little longer, thank you very much.
  5. 17693525 There is some pretty freaky stuff going on in this book that involves tapeworms, conspiracies, and people dying. No spoilers from me, but I really hope I'm never in a world like this one.
  6. 12476820 Speaking of freaky bioengineering/biotech-type stuff, this book features a tiny population of humans marooned on Long Island because their super-human creations turned on them and destroyed most of the humans using biological warfare. Not only is the world itself in shambles, there's always the lurking threat of more attacks...
  7. 7171771 MONSTERS AREN'T REAL MONSTERS AREN'T REAL MONSTERS AREN'T REAL (except in this book they are, and they want to eat you. GAAAAAH)
  8. 12788061 I'm a dancer, and I don't want to be possessed and possibly killed by creepy magical creatures that may or may not actually exist.
  9. 6065629 This book is creepy because everyone is unwittingly programmed to think and behave in certain ways through subliminal messaging. It's so scary to me that you could be controlled and not even know it.
  10. 821467 Last but not least, I absolutely do not want to ever live in a dystopian world conceived by Margaret Atwood. She's a genius, I love her books, but they are freaky as hell. This one features a mad scientist who thinks the best way to improve humanity is to get rid of it.
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  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readJanuary 28, 2014 at 6:29 AM

    OOoh nice picks! Haven't read any of these but from the sounds of it their worlds aren't too pretty!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I really need to read Partials. I don't know what keeps holding me off.

    Interesting list,

    My TTT List

  3. Great list! Yeah, my chances of surviving in Westeros would be pretty slim; I was trying to think of what strata of society I'd be best off in and it's hard! lol. Maybe we'd have a better chance down south near Sunspear where the Martells rule; it sounds like there's a bit more equality there (much as I hate hot weather)! :)

  4. After reading about these I'm glad I don't live in them either. Yuck. Zombies really creep me out.

    Thanks for visiting and following The Book Connection.

  5. Great list. I have all of these on my TBR list but I haven't read any of them yet.Thanks so much for sharing today. Have a great week and happy reading. My TT

  6. I do not think I could handle living in the Song of Fire and Ice world especially after the crazy cold temperatures I've experienced the past few weeks.


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