Sci-Fi November: SF Bingo challenge!

Asti over at Oh the Books! is hosting a bingo challenge, and I thought it looked like a lot of fun. The cool thing is that you don't just have to read books to complete it: anything goes! This means I can fit in my Doctor Who episodes and any sci-fi movies I watch along with books and short stories and graphic novels!

Here's the Bingo Card:

And some ideas about how I'm going to fill in the card:

  • Superheroes - rewatch The Avengers
  • Floating city - I'm sure there's a DW episode that has a floating city in it. I'll find it!
  • lost civilizations - something to do with Atlantis?
  • Drugs and medications - I read a short story in the Rogues anthology that had to do with drugs that turned people into zombies. creeepyyyy
  • Shapeshifters - I'll probably read something with shapeshifters in it. I'm not sure what it will be yet.
and maybe I'll end up filling other squares too! We'll see :)

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