Life Is Crazy and SFF Bingo Challenge update

It's been crazy for the last week! I just got home from studying abroad in Switzerland, and then I realized that I had to figure out my life in the next few weeks as I begin my last year of my bachelor's degree...


In all my confusion and soul searching, I completely forgot about writing posts for my blog. Oops.

But I'm back now! And speaking of forgotten things, it's been a while since I updated how my bingo challenge was going (apparently I last updated it in April). To be honest, I forgot that I'd even started such a thing.

Better late than never? Here's where I am so far with my bingo challenge:

Space Travel: Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I'm always usually the black sheep when it comes to super-hyped books, but I'm really happy to say that I loved this book and it was just as amazing as all the hype made it out to be! I can't wait until it's released and even more people can experience the awesomeness.

1000+ pages: Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Oh man this series drives me crazy. It's so well loved and there really are some great things about it, but it's just not for me. Full rant here.

Audiobook: Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs

Thanks to Jessie for getting me the prologue/companion novella! I adore Charles and Anna, and I kind of like their story more than Mercy's...don't kill me!

Aliens: Old Man's War by John Scalzi

I'm not much of a space opera person even though I love science fiction, but I really liked this book! It's a great satire on the stereotypical space opera hero's journey and it's surprisingly insightful beneath all the exploding warheads and crazy alien creatures.

Reread a favorite: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

I love this series to death and I loved it even more the second time around! Thanks to everyone who stuck around for the readalong this summer :)

Non-human main character: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory M

Okay, this is stretching the non-human a little bit, but the wicked witch is certainly a creature all to herself. No one really knows who (or what) she is...

Heists and Cons: Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

Conning their way up the Sinspire while also trying to make one of the biggest scores of their lives, Locke and Jean end up getting into way more trouble than they bargained for! Sometimes you can't just charm your way out of every rough situation...

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