Top Ten Tuesday 63: If you like Game of Thrones...

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Book Recommendations if you love Game of Thrones

I feel like Game of Thrones is one of the few fantasy series that has gone completely mainstream. People who watch or read it aren't automatically labeled as nerds, which is pretty exciting! I think one of the things that makes Game of Thrones/ASoIaF so addicting is how horrifying it is: you just can't look away! There's a lot of shock value, since none of your favorite characters are safe.

Here are other series/books that are dark, gritty fantasy with a lot of shock value!


If that blood red stripe on the cover doesn't convince you, here's a series that is just as bloody and vast in scope as Game of Thrones. I love this series!!

This book is just as dark as ASoIaF but doesn't have the same huge cast of characters. Instead, we have an assassin with a disturbing past who is trying to make a future for matter what the cost.

Joe Abercrombie is known for being the master of grimdark, and his books have the same gritty tone as George R.R. Martin's. This is his young adult series, so it's not quite as dark, but it has a lot of political machinations and morally ambiguous characters.

Lots of blood, lots of politics, lots of characters, and some kind-of-magical-beings thrown in the mix. This book is a lot of fun and really hard to put down!

Another Joe Abercrombie. This series doesn't have many endearing characters, but it does have a lot of blood. A LOT.

A really awesome epic fantasy novel with a lot of political manipulations and characters to root for on all sides of the conflict.  I really enjoyed this book and I'm very excited to keep reading!
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