Top Ten Tuesday 62: Top 10 Black Sheep books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top Ten Books where I was the black sheep

I've done a lot of gushing on my TTTs about books I love, so this week I'm flipping it around. These are books that a lot of people have loved, but for whatever reason I didn't like them. This doesn't mean any of these books are bad, just that these are the books I wanted to love, but didn't. I hope I don't break too many hearts with this list haha

I really wasn't a fan of the writing style or the whiny main character in this book. I hear this series gets better though, so I haven't totally written it off.
They turned this into a movie, so obviously a lot of people liked this book. I thought it sounded cool, but when I actually read it I didn't like it at all.

It's been a while since I read this, but I know didn't particularly dislike it. I was just bored for most of it, which surprised me because I really like mysteries and the Victorian era.

I loved Lauren Oliver's Delirium, so I was really excited about this book. Sadly, I just couldn't empathize with the main character.

I didn't dislike this book either, but I definitely didn't get what all the hype was about. John Green is just not for me! I've tried reading many of his books since everyone loves them so much but I get so annoyed with them all.
 The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #2)

I have such mixed feelings about this series. There are some things I really respect and others that I absolutely cannot stand!

I was expecting this book to be amazing, especially with all the hype. I didn't know anything about the plot but the description had me hooked. Yet I didn't connect with the characters and when I got to the big reveal, I thought "That's it?". I don't know why, but I just wasn't invested in this book.

It's crazy to think that I didn't really like Throne of Glass and I almost didn't continue the series. Thank you blogosphere for convincing me to keep going, because I LOVE the later books. I'm still not a huge fan of book 1 though.

Patrick Ness is one of my favorite authors and I was so excited for this book. I'm so disappointed that I didn't love it, but I just didn't fall in love with the characters :(

It's JK Rowling, people! How could I not love this? I love the Harry Potter books and I even liked Cuckoo's Calling, but I didn't even finish this book because it was just so depressing and dull.

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