Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Have been on my TBR the longest!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Books that have been on my TBR the longest!

I'm generally pretty good about trimming down my TBR and making sure it never gets over 50 books. I know that if I ever let it grow bigger than that, I'll never actually read all the books on my TBR! I also don't usually include upcoming books in a series I'm reading on my TBR, I kind of just assume I'm gonna read them and they jump straight to "currently reading" on goodreads. So a few of the top ten longest books haven't actually been there for too long...

It turns out most of the books that have been on my TBR the longest are the "classics" or the more "literary" books I've wanted to read but am hardly in the mood for. I love sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, and historical fiction, so I usually get those books off my TBR pretty quickly!

Added to TBR: June 7, 2013

I've read a bunch of other Murakami books since I added this but never got to this one..,oops
Added to TBR: March 3, 2014

This book is just so long for a non-fantasy book that I'm going to have to be in a very patient mood to pick it up!

Date added: December 17, 2013

I really want to read this still, it's just always been checked out whenever I go to the library! Maybe I should actually put a hold on it.

Date added: April 29, 2014

I liked If I Stay, but I just haven't been in the mood for a contemporary romance...for 2 and a half years, apparently

Date added: June 22, 2014

My friend recommended this ages ago and I wasn't able to get a copy but I finally found one! This will definitely be read by the end of the year.

Date added: July 5, 2014

I believe this is the last Sanderson book left that I haven't read (besides the new graphic novel and a few short stories). I'm saving this for a really bad book slump because I know I'll probably love it :)

Date added: August 9, 2014

Similar situation to Murakami. I never read this one but I did read Prince of Fools by the same author.

Date added: February 16, 2015

I read a different Heinlein book that my friend lent me and it was pretty boring, so my motivation to get to this one has fallen!

Date added: March 15, 2015

This one was recommended to me by one of you lovely blog readers when I did my Super Fantastic Fantasy Flowchart way back when. It sounds awesome, I honestly don't know why I haven't read it yet.

Date added: April 21, 2015

I know, I know, how dare I call myself a VE Schwab fan if I haven't read this yet? I even loved ADSOM! I really should get on finding a copy of this so I can devour it, I'm sure it'll be amazing :)

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