TTT - Rewind: Top Ten Favorite Fantasy characters

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme: Top Ten Favorite Fantasy characters

I decided to rewind to 2013, where one of the themes was Top Ten Favorite characters in X genre. Since fantasy is my favorite, here are the characters that have made me laugh and cry and love getting lost in fantasy worlds :D


Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen from the Gentleman Bastards! My favorite brotp and two of my favorite characters ever. I adore their witty banter and how they always have each other's backs no matter what happens.

Aelyn Galathynius from Throne of Glass: She got on my nerves in book 1 and I really didn't like her, and then she dealt with awful sacrifice and grew up tremendously and became the fierce and unstoppable warrior she always claimed to be.

Kelsier from Mistborn. He's one of those people who always has a plan up his sleeve, an almost unbelievable force and legend rather than a real, living, breathing person. And he more than anyone embodies his favorite phrase: There's always another secret.

Jasnah Kholin from the Stormlight Archive. Not only is she really smart and powerful, she isn't afraid to stand up to the status quo and do whatever she thinks needs to be done. She's so cool!!

Kell from ADSOM. I want a coat that is magically a million other coats!!

Ragnar from the Red Rising Trilogy. He's so fierce and loyal to his people and his story was such an emotional journey for me

RONAN LYNCH from the Raven boys. I don't know, we're nothing alike, but something about Ronan Lynch speaks to my soul. He's such a contradiction and the whole raven and Graywarren business and PYNCH... just so much to love :)

Scarlet from the Lunar Chronicles. Scarlet is so cool!! She starts out as a small-town farm girl and ends up being instrumental to saving the planet. She's never intimidated by whatever life throws at her, and manages to find the beauty in things most people would just dismiss. I love her :)

Zezili Hasaria from Mirror Empire. I think I just have a deep and unapologetic love for fierce women in fantasy. Zezili is a terrifying person and often times I hate her, but I love that she takes no shit from anyone and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.

Agnieszka from Uprooted. She's a young woman in a fairy tale who never thought she'd be the one they told the stories about. Clumsy, hot-headed, and above all human.

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